Saturday, August 20, 2011


This is me at about 7 or 8 years old. I am Ichabod Crane... Oh yes I am!
I am showing you this so when I tell you my big, not so secret, secret, you will laugh along with me.

I fall... a lot.

Yup, this has been an ongoing thing for me. My sister Bonnie will testify to the truth of it. Testify sista!

I can trip over my own shadow, your shadow, your dog's shadow, an ant's shadow. Well, you get the idea. I have fallen forward backwards, sideways and upside down, don't ask me how. It just happened.

One time, when I was in High School, I fell everyday for a month when I got off the bus. They were placing bets. My sisters hated me. LOL!!! My most memorable fall during this month long period had me sliding down the driveway, landing with my butt on the garage door, my legs in-cased in gogo boots flat on the door and up in the air. My peasant skirt flipped up over my head. I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants!!! My sisters were mortified... Hee hee. Another time I fell on the path to the front door of the school landing against the stoop. Where looking up I watched as my sister Bonnie passed over me, looked down, shook her head and said "I don't know you!" and went in the front door. I busted out laughing!

Now it didn't get any better as I got older, nope. When my kids were in High School, we had stopped at a gas station and I volunteered to go in and pay. Our car was about six feet away from the door, I came out after paying. and tripped over a non existent curb. I then proceeded, against my will, momentum being my protagonist to charge our van like a bull. Hitting my head on the side of the van and being thrown back to the ground where I bumped along for three or more times coming to a stop in a large mud puddle. I saw stars! Then I saw my children their faces pressed to the windows, laughing so hard they were spitting on the glass (great I was going to have to clean that up later) and Andy (my husband) sat in shock in the drivers seat! I think he was afraid to laugh.

Needless to say, I got up dusted myself off and laughed at myself too. It's funny! I have learned to laugh at myself. And yes sometimes I have fallen and hurt myself. Then I cried. But I laughed later!

This falling thing has helped me get over myself. To stop worrying about what other people think about me. Because I realized I like me. Falling person and all.

I am happy to say I have passed this trait to my children, Poor Sara seems to have gotten the worst of it. We joked all the time when she was pregnant that the baby was either going to come out as Mr. Magoo, or Barishnakoff.
Mina is thankfully perfectly normal to date. But I wouldn't be sad if she inherited my little falling foible. Because like me she would get back up , dust herself off and learn she was okay.

It's that getting back up part that's hard, but once you do it, it becomes easier and easier. Because you know you can, sometimes you need help, sometimes you need a bandaid and you cry. Other times times you laugh till you pee... But when alls said and done, you got up.

Times are tough...Lots of us feel like we are falling. We have to just keep getting up. And laugh! Laugh a lot!

I hope all your falls are light ones and your getting ups are filled with laughter!

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