You would think that hello would be the hardest thing for a kid to say. But not for our Mina.
For her it Is goodbye.
As an only child she experiences a lot of goodbyes. Where most of us have brothers and sisters to help soften the blow of missing people.
She does not.
So when she gets to be with her cousin Ellie, on weekends, at grandma and grandpa's it is a wonderful thing. Sure she has to learn to share and to remember that there are two sides to every issue. Something that is hard for all kids, of any age.
Her cousin, Ellie, is the same.
No, for Mina "hello!" comes naturally. Almost too naturally...
No for her it is "goodbye" that breaks her little heart. Despite all the things that make being together with her cousin hard, like sharing.
It is still her favorite thing to do .
She tries so hard to be a good "big sister" and her heart is just so open and giving...
I am so grateful for my brothers and sisters at these times watching these sweet girls become sister cousins. Something they both need, and want. So badly!
Then comes the sad part...
It is Sunday, and they must part.
The tears, the heartbreaking sadness... "but I don't want her to go grandma! "
"I just love her so much!!
Watching her, holding her hand and comforting her. I tell her it will be okay, and it will be.
But I realize that I am lying too.
Oh I have gotten used to the goodbyes and the time apart from my brothers and sisters. But goodbye is the hardest part. And though on the outside I am smiling. On the inside I am the same as my little Mina...
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
The Walk Home...
Pretty much every afternoon now I get to walk my granddaughter Mina home from school.
I love doing it!
It is a time for reflection and fun. Every day she shouts "grandma! As though it is the first time we are doing this.
We start our conversation with what her day was like. And then a quick rundown of my day so far. Then she begins to point out things to me. Flowers so small and perfect that would fit on the top of a pencil eraser.
She collects fall leaf bouquets for her mommy.
When she saw water workers drilling on the sidewalk she walked up and looked in the hole and asked what they were doing? They replied that they were looking for gold! She was so excited! "Maybe there really is gold under the streets and sidewalk grandma !"
I was about to dash all her young hopes but I decided not to.
Because... I remembered all the wonderful things I used to imagine on the way home from school. That wonderful time of endless possibilities
These wonderful walks remind me every day to look for the very small things, like little flowers.
The beautiful things all around me in the changing of the season that I could only see as a need to get things ready for winter.
And to make a beautiful gift of it to someone who was not there with us.
But I think my favorite thing is her glory in exploring the world around her the way she jumps in and asks questions. And her total dedication to the idea of endless possibilities !
Soon enough the real world will place it's weight on her. But I hope these walks encourage her to find a way to incorporate all the possibilities that she sees now.
"Grandma can we go slow? There's a lot to see. " She says.
"Yup honey!" "we have all the time in the world..."
I love doing it!
It is a time for reflection and fun. Every day she shouts "grandma! As though it is the first time we are doing this.
We start our conversation with what her day was like. And then a quick rundown of my day so far. Then she begins to point out things to me. Flowers so small and perfect that would fit on the top of a pencil eraser.
She collects fall leaf bouquets for her mommy.
When she saw water workers drilling on the sidewalk she walked up and looked in the hole and asked what they were doing? They replied that they were looking for gold! She was so excited! "Maybe there really is gold under the streets and sidewalk grandma !"
I was about to dash all her young hopes but I decided not to.
Because... I remembered all the wonderful things I used to imagine on the way home from school. That wonderful time of endless possibilities
These wonderful walks remind me every day to look for the very small things, like little flowers.
The beautiful things all around me in the changing of the season that I could only see as a need to get things ready for winter.
And to make a beautiful gift of it to someone who was not there with us.
But I think my favorite thing is her glory in exploring the world around her the way she jumps in and asks questions. And her total dedication to the idea of endless possibilities !
Soon enough the real world will place it's weight on her. But I hope these walks encourage her to find a way to incorporate all the possibilities that she sees now.
"Grandma can we go slow? There's a lot to see. " She says.
"Yup honey!" "we have all the time in the world..."
Friday, May 18, 2012
On the road again, Naturally
My sweet hubby ,and I, are on the road to Hamburg again. And always he is being so supportive of me, teaching me new tricks for my IPad. Much is changing and we can't wait to share with you all. Be patient and keep an eye out. Look to see breaking news around the first of June.Thank you all for following me.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
They Get a Cookie!
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Cookie Monster! |
One day a new vendor brought in 20 giant cookies for us to give out to customers. I was told they didn't care how we gave them out, that it was up to me. So I came up with a plan.
We had four employees working that day so each of us had 5 giant cookies to give away on our shifts.
We had to give them to someone who did a good deed. That was it! Simple as that.
Someone helped an old lady pump gas.
He " got a cookie!".
Another person, brought in the money for a lady with kids in the car and pre-paid her gas for her, so she didn't have to worry about getting the kids out or leaving them alone.
She "got a cookie!".
One kid helped another kid learn how to pump air into his bicycle tires. "Oh, it was nothing my dad showed me how and he seemed to need help."
Yup, you got it! "He "got a cookie!" .
The next day everybody was talking about how much brighter their day had been because we had all been looking for good things, Instead of being worn down by the bad.
Suddenly, the employees started buying a cookie each day to give out to someone who lightened their day, as well as someone elses by performing a good deed.
I used to love to hear the shout
"Oh! They get a cookie!".
This past week the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerburg, with a little helpful suggestion by his fiancee, made a way for people to sign up for organ donation easier and faster on Facebook . To help save lives.
Yes! "He Gets A Cookie!"
We have a daughter with kidney disease FSGS. She has had one transplant. It lasted 9 years. Now she is on dialysis again. Awaiting the gift of a kidney.
And we have been blessed with so many kind and wonderful friends and family who support her and us.
Sharing information, getting tested to see if they would be eligible to help her with a kidney donation. I have never had to ask. These people just step up and do what they can, the best that they can!
These are people truly deserving of a
"giant cookie! "
But in the meantime I hope my thanks, my love, and my eternal gratitude will suffice.
Now where did I put my chocolate chips? I've got a lot of baking to do.....
To learn how you can register to be an organ donor go to:
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
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F. fully R. rely O. on G. God |
I wrote this a while back, I read it again today and felt it was worth putting out there again!
Joy is full of Randomness!
1. I love my Children! well, any and all of them. Really.
2. I believe in heaven, I know, I will go on. Because I have felt and continue to feel the Love of those who came before me.
3. I love, and I mean really love, eggs for dinner! Drippy eggs on toast, nothing better!!!!!
4. I grow a little younger every day. despite grumpy people who think we should all do otherwise. Sillies...
5. I love my job! Whatever it is at the time. Because a job well done , really is it's own reward.
6. I am an ARTIST!!!!! I paint , I draw, I sing, I dance, I cook, I knit , I crochet, I sew, I write, I see the beauty in what others consider mundane. Forgetable, uninteresting...
7. I forgive everyone, because I am forgiven. How freeing this is.
8. My life has not been, nor will it probably ever be easy. But I pull on my big girl panties every day and run full on out into it every day with GLORIOUS EXPECTATIONS!
9. I love being a woman.
10. I love my husband!
11. I have fallen a lot in my life... Really, I can trip over my own shadow. My sister Bonnie so embarassed over my ability to fall in the most open, well viewed area, once stepped over me, looked down, and said, "I don't know you..." as if she could dissassotiate herself that easily!!! LOL HA HA HA!
12. Loves the Harry Potter books and movies!
13. Dreams answers to problems. And they always work. I think this is so cool!
14. Loves napping in the sunshine. with the wind blowing and birds singing.
15. My favorite age. How old I was when I started dating my hubby!
16. Loves teaching! anything!
17. Loves learning! everything!
18. Remembers her mom and her mom's sisters singing..."Do your boobs hang low" at a summer family picnic! It was the best!!! Probably more so now that mine actually do....
19. Can't believe I was this age and I had an 18th month old and twins. How did I do it?? No, really, somebody, tell me. I really can't figure out how I did it.
20. Loves roadrunner cartoons, and "Angry Beavers"!!!!!
21. Has stuffed animals.
22. Plays hide and seek, slides down slides, jumps, and skips and pretends with my grandaughter.
23. Has watched "Chicken little", "Barbie" and Baby Jack-jack 20 times in a day to make my grandaghter happy. And honestly loved it!
24. Is going to go to France, Scotland, and England some day! YUP!
25. Will be retiring in Vermont!!! Yay!!!!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Ah! Love.....!
Monday, February 6, 2012
The Key...
Have you ever spring cleaned your home and found as the day went on you were just piling things up room by room, so frustrating!
And you feel like you are getting no where until finally you got that "one" room done and all the others just started falling into place...
Then it is like things go at the speed of light from that point on. But until you got that "key" room done you were just on an uphill battle, getting nowhere.
I find life is like that for me. I build up clutter. Job, relationship, spiritual, you name it... stuff!
Until finally I need to clean house.
I push things around until all the space is filled up, then I start trying to organize it into reasonable piles of stuff and put it away. I make myself crazy and frustrated. And it is just as I am stubbing my toe and dropping the pile of papers I have just finally sorted out, I cry out my pain and frustration! My husband will come and say "Do you need help?"
I bet you can guess my response...Maybe your response is similar?
"No!" "I'm fine!"
But really, I am not.
While I sit there holding my toe, tears squeezing out my eyes. I finally realize. I need help. I hate asking for help!
"Wait!" "Come back please!"
I realize as he helps me pick up the papers and bandage my toe, that even if he isn't doing anything especially organizational, just having him there helps... I am less tired, I feel new ideas flowing through my mind.
Why did I fight so hard against help?
Allowing myself to rely on someone beside myself was the key!
To step outside my area of control, and let go. To let someone else sit in the drivers seat, even if for a little while, restores me.
So should I be surprised when I take the time to stop and pray and turn all those piles of junk over to God that it helps?
Really helps!
And yet every time, I struggle through trying to do it on my own. Until finally I am overwhelmed! Taxed beyond belief! Totally overwhelmed I will finally cry out for help....
Why do we wait to open that door?
When we always had the "KEY."
As spring gets closer I am making plans to clean my house. Both emotionally and spiritually. No more procrastinating!
No more dilly dallying!
"Jingle jingle..."
Ah! There's that "KEY!"
"Ahem, I could use a little help please..."
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
I Am Not A Duck!
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Thursday, January 19, 2012
CHANGE, a little of this, a little of that...
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Do You Dream?
Thursday, January 5, 2012
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I should have this posted all over my home! |
I get my flu shots every year and have had my Pneumonia shot also because...
I hate being sick!
Usually my husband brings one home and shares with me. Or my grandkids come and share their incubated viruses with me.
Problem being when I get sick, because of my lowered immunity, and I am getting older.
I get really sick!
Instead of a week, it's usually 3 weeks for me....
Yeah, I really hate being sick. But I am my own worst enemy. I kiss my husband and then remember he is sick! " Oh no! I shouldn't have done that!" I say. Too late...
Same goes for the grand kids...
Oh, I remember to wipe down the shopping cart handle at the grocery store and to wear gloves at work and a mask at the doctors office. To use hand sanitizer when I am out and exposed to the public. But at home...
I forget all the rules... Voila! Ahhhhhchooo!
And as I am the caretaker of our family, I am also the one who for the most part must care for herself .
I miss the days when my mom or my grandma used to come and look after me. I can remember my grandma putting mustard rub on me.
Laugh if you will.
It really worked and it felt great! Chicken soup and game shows. Mom reading me a story, and sleeping on the couch, feeling her cool hand on my forehead as I slept... But those days are gone. They are just wonderful loving memories.
Now, I need to treat my home like I do when I am in public spaces.
When my hubby is sick either he or I will be wearing a mask, hand sanitizer will be strategically placed around my home and person. No kisses while he is unwell. Sorry Babe! These viruses are getting nasty and harder for me to beat. So... don't be surprised if you see me wearing a mask, or wiping my hands with sanitizer after I shake yours, nothing personal. I just don't want to be so sick anymore.
Maybe you need to post a few of these around your home. I think, when we are there, we are so comfortable and in our routines that we just forget. And I don't want to continue passing on these germs.
I have a daughter whose own journey to dialysis began with strep throat caught from a girl at school, who didn't want to miss the Christmas parties and came to school sick. Please keep your children home when they have fevers and are really sick. There will be other parties.... Please don't go to work if you can, and if you can't talk to your doctors office. They can provide masks for you. We've all got to start being more conscientious.
So here's me doing my part. Hopefully I have finally learned my lesson.
Ahhhhhchoooooo.... I am going to bed. With lots of water, tissue, hand sanitizer. turning on my humidifier. And dreaming of mustard rub and gentle hands.
I wish you all a virus free season.
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