Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Goodbye, is the hardest...

You would think that hello would be the hardest thing for a kid to say. But not for our Mina.

For her it Is goodbye.

As an only child she experiences a lot of goodbyes. Where most of us have brothers and sisters to help soften the blow of missing people.
She does not.

So when she gets to be with her cousin Ellie, on weekends, at grandma and grandpa's it is a wonderful thing. Sure she has to learn to share and to remember that there are two sides to every issue. Something that is hard for all kids, of any age.

Her cousin, Ellie, is the same.

No, for Mina "hello!" comes naturally. Almost too naturally...

No for her it is "goodbye" that breaks her little heart. Despite all the things that make being together with her cousin hard, like sharing.

It is still her favorite thing to do .
She tries so hard to be a good "big sister" and her heart is just so open and giving...

I am so grateful for my brothers and sisters at these times watching these sweet girls become sister cousins. Something they both need, and want. So badly!

Then comes the sad part...

It is Sunday, and they must part.
The tears, the heartbreaking sadness... "but I don't want her to go grandma! "
"I just love her so much!!
Watching her, holding her hand and comforting her. I tell her it will be okay, and it will be.

But I realize that I am lying too.

Oh I have gotten used to the goodbyes and the time apart from my brothers and sisters. But goodbye is the hardest part. And though on the outside I am smiling. On the inside I am the same as my little Mina...

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