Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Do You Dream?


Do you dream a lot? I do. In fact I am pretty sure I come from a gifted family in the dream department.

My dreams are nothing like what the experts say they should be.
I have dreamed solutions to problems in my dreams woken up yelling about it and fixed things just like I dreamed in the morning.
I once dreamed that I had died and was picked up by a bus where the Angels nicely explained to me that I had my choice of heavenly destinations, I could live on an Irish island, live under the sea in a mermaid community, or in a fuituristic city that was super clean and pretty. Of course me who is terrified of dark water and sharks chose the mermaid. Go figure!?
 And no this was long before the movie "What Dreams may Come." so I did not get the idea from that.

The experts say your dreams are how your brain works through your day. Okay....

Explain to me how,  me and six other women hanging in nets, starved and badly beaten up, dirty and terrified. waiting for something terrible....then I hear a noise like marbles clicking together and look in front of me and a small bag of marbles is doing just that, dancing around and banging together and I know the bad thing is coming. They are horrible monsters! I wake up sweating and crying.

What does that have to do with my pleasant, quiet day of crocheting?

Nope, not so much...

Apparently we are not supposed to dream in color. But I do.
I fly a lot too. Later when I go places I remember flying there and tell Andy the layout of the rooms. I freak him out with that .
I have seen my grandparents in my dreams and spent wonderful nights in conversations with them I met my granddaughters before they were born in my dreams.
Twice I had dreams that could be epic best sellers if I ever wrote them down. I can still recall both of them vividly to this day!

I can fall into dream sleep pretty rapidly, even though I have terrible insomnia. When I do fall asleep, I dream. Andy has woken me up after five minutes and I am already dreaming. I don't think he would believe me except I have woken up telling him to get out of the way of the train. And I am strangely mad at him when he wakes me like that... It feels like I left a part of me back in my dream. And it takes me awhile to feel normal. Not a good feeling.

I have had dreams that warned me of things. Dreams where I have met people, and later on I really meet them. Very spooky.

I can remember having dreams when I was very little. Very little! Dreams where I did not talk, and people were talking but I did not understand them. I  did not talk yet apparently. These dreams are all sights sounds and smells. Yes, I said smells.

 I want to believe the experts know what they are talking about, but my own experiences tell me, they don't. The other day a Doctor on NOVA said we only have a very small understanding of the power and ability of the brain. That right now science only understands one tenth of it's capacity and abilities.
I think we need to reserve judgement about dreams, until we know a lot more. We need to encourage our children to dream, take the bad with the good. In my bad dreams I have learned to not be so afraid that I don't fight back. In my good dreams I go exploring, I have solved problems, found answers. Touched base with those I love who have passed on. And flown past the boundaries of my life!
I think that is why I am not afraid of dying. I will only be passing into a forever dream.
I tell my granddaughters to dream of ponies and rainbows when I tuck them in. I know they probably won't but it can't hurt to put the thought in their little minds and hope for the best. I know they too will learn to appreciate their dreams. Good or bad.
I wish you all sweet dreams...

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