Call me crazy, and some of you will. But let's stop listening to the news. Sometimes I think they (the news agencies) would like us to believe that we can't take a step into the future without checking out what's going on at the capitol or in the stock market first. Truth be told, the best things we Americans do is step outside the box and just go for it!
Yes we are in hard times...
I watch so many of my friends and neighbors struggling forward. working hard to get through and out of this recession. They are afraid, but even at the worst of times not even close to giving up!
That is not the picture that is painted by the news. It's depressing... Why not talk about the guy that couldn't find a job so he started his own "At your Service" business. Ordinary people creating a new future. And yes some may fail, but a lot won't. Tonight on the news they reported that small businesses created 8000 jobs in the Rochester NY area alone. And they were surprised!
I'm not!
I say lets stop listening to all this negativity and show the world how we do it. Lets put our leaders to shame. Show them that we can work together and make America strong again. By showing the conviction of it's citizens to move forward, to clear our debt, to restore purpose. America the land of possibilities! Where we try new things, buy local, fly our flags! And support our communities.
After 9/11 we showed such strength and purpose! It was so inspiring to see neighbors working together for the greater good. To see American pride and strength. So enough with all this bad news. We can choose to look forward, step into, and fight for the future we want and deserve.
Let's do some creative thinking, let's start by getting out a plain piece of white paper, a blue crayon, and a red crayon. Draw a flag! talk with your children, your husband/ wife/ partner about what it mean to you. And then put it in your front window!Go for it!
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