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"Mittens" from BOLT the movie |
We named her that because most of her pads are black except for two little cute pink ones, get it? Rosie toesies!
I have had many cats and a dog and have loved them all very much. But Rosie is special. Why? because she is my last. No. I won't change my mind. Yes, it makes me sad. But for private, good reasons. she is my last.
She really is my grand kitty. Sara is her real mom, Erik presented her to Sara as a present when they were dating. But at the time Sara was on dialysis and this poor little kitten needed a lot of care. I think they fixed her too early because she was a foundling and they wanted it done before the doctor left.
She was an itty bitty thing with huge ears and big paws and a long, long tail. But she would shake from the cold, so for days I walked around with her in my nipple hat (it was a winter hat that was rose colored and shaped like a nipple, what can I say...?) I carried her around from morning to night feeding her warm milk and helping her to get strong. Sara tried but dialysis took her away three days a week. She slept with me and Andy, curled up between us purring away. I'll never forget the day we had to help get her little stitches out because they were not dissolving and falling out so the vet suggested a warm wash cloth and tweezers. Oh that poor trusting little kitty laid in Sara's hands and we pulled them all out with shaking hands and tears for the poor kitty.
When Sara finally moved out she told me she was leaving Rosie with me. I think she was very kind because she could have taken her. But I think Sara knew she was special to me.
Rosie comes when I call her. I can sing a song ♪♫ Rosie, toesie, how does your garden growsie, come see grandma and I'll pet your little nosie ♪♫♪. Or I can chirp , she will come running every time.
When Andy is around she is his sweet girl, she rubs on him, rolls over and falls down next to him and makes little mewling sounds until her daddy talks to her and pets her and plays with her.
On the days when we both have to work, she misses us terribly and meets us at the door with stoies of her terrible ordeal, being alone and all... LOL!
But the thing I have come to love the most is how she comes and sleeps with you like a person. She pokes you (never with her claws, just her paw), poke, poke... then she will lay down next to you and expects you to share your pillow with her. She loves it when you throw a protective arm over her. She snuggles right against you and purrs you to sleep!
There is nothing better!
When she is gone I will miss her more than I can say... And I am forever grateful for all the beautiful creatures God has sent to share my life. They have given me loyalty and friendship, companionship, and security, But most of all wonderful unconditional LOVE! Anything I have given to my pets they have returned ten fold.... The ones I have lost already never leave my heart...
I feel them all in my soul every second of every day!
So right now I am going to enjoy Rosie, in my arms, purring, lulling me to sleep and treasure every moment I have with her.
I hope you all have the chance to experience the love of one of God's creatures at least once in your lifetime.
What you will gain is immeasurable.
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