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Disney's Heffalump |
So does my sister Bonnie. Upon occasion we like doing them together.
For a period of time we worked together at the same gas station. Mornings were the best because we could work on the daily crossword in the paper and complete it together between customers. or if she worked morning and I worked evenings she would leave me a half completed puzzle to finish. Or a completed one with the word "HA!" written across it.
DID I mention I like to tease my sister upon occasion?
So cometh the birth of Stampy.
One day as she was working on the puzzle she called out as usual " a 16 letter word for a, whats a fangle?"
( I just made up a word, couldn't remember the actual one). "And it begins with S!"
Oh that's easy said I, "STAAAAMMMMPPPPPY!" She pokes her head around the corner of the office, "Stampy?" she asks with a smirk on her face. "Really" I say looking serious. "What's a Stampy?" she asks. "A large pink Indian elephant!" I reply. She busts out laughing! "No!" she says. "Yes!" I say... Finally I can no longer hold it in. "HA! I say. Laughing and laughing!
Well, thus began the adventures of Stampy. When we didn't know the answer to a question, it was Stampy, Something break or fall over at the station it was Stampy. Many times when I would come in at night and find the half finished puzzle from then on, there would be note indicating she thought it might be "Stampy" You spilled coffee, oh that silly ol' Stampy!
We had many wonderful laughs over Stampy and his antics...
A year ago when I was diagnosed with cancer and was going through radiation treatment. I started doing a lot of crosswords to take my mind off things. One night as I was having a hard time I texted my sister because it was late. "working on crossword puzzle, wish you were here". She texted me back, "is it Stampy?" and "HUGS". I laughed so hard. I needed that.
A couple of nights later she texted me that she and her youngest son were talking about Stampy and all his antics and laughing and laughing. That made me so happy.
Because it meant that Stampy would go on. Oh not the actual thing, not a real elephant. I am not that crazy...Well...my sister might have something to say about that.
No, what I mean is, the spirit of fun, and laughter, of something only you and your crazy sibling can laugh over, that nobody else really gets. Not really. Because when you share these things with a sibling, you are connecting in a simple way., with a much deeper meaning. This laughter, this imaginary friend, this story, this camaraderie...
It is really just love. Plain and simple.
Love you Bonnie, Naomi, David, Michael, and Christian. Very much!
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