Thursday, September 29, 2011

Oh Happy Day!

Here comes the sun!
Oh Happy Day! Oh Happy Day!

There are so many reasons to be sad...
Andy and I have seen our fair share of them, maybe more than our fair share.
But we have seen others with so much more. It makes our troubles pale in comparison.

I am sure all of you have suffered troubles that have overwhelmed you at times. And when you look back you wonder "How did we ever get through that?"

Andy and I have thought that on many occasions.
Love, I think helps, sometimes family, and friends.
Always God. at least for me.

But the more I look back the thing that sustained us the most was a decision to be happy. Oh yeah, some days it was hard. But the more we smiled and laughed it got easier and easier. We could have walked around crying in our pretzels. But what good would that do?

I don't mean that you can't ever be sad. Or talk about your troubles and allow yourself some comfort. We all need that. And I hope we all give that comfort when needed.

But at some point you have to make a choice to be miserable or to smile. Life is hard. And it won't get any easier. I have actually had people say what we have gone through with Sara couldn't be so bad because we are always happy. Well, believe me we cry. But, we still choose to smile in the end. Not to show off or to make a point.

No! We do it for each other, for Sara, for Chandra and James. Because we want them to choose to be happy too.

Last week I was in the city and it was cloudy and rainy. I was going past Mount Hope cemetery so I went to see my Grandpa and Grandma Benoit's grave, and I couldn't help it...I cried. For how much I missed them, their love and hugs and comfort.
But then I decided I better smile, because they would have told me to do that. So many times when they were alive they told us not to be too sad when they died. To have a party when they were gone and to remember how happy they were to have lived. I did not get that at all when I was younger. But I could hear them in my head and see their smiling faces.
So I smiled through my tears and ... the sun came out! I am not kidding!

I get it now. It's about choosing to be happy to have lived and loved. To embrace life for all it has to offer good or bad.

All I could think was, Oh happy day!

It played in my head, over and over as I touched their stone for the last time that day, and walked away. All the way back to the car. And all the rest of that day.

The choice is yours. Choose....

I have.

Oh Happy Day! Oh Happy Day!
Shirley and Al Benoit - My Grandparents

Do Wop Ditty!


Wow! Do I miss dancing!

Oh, I don't mean me myself. I still dance all the time. At home. But I miss it everywhere else.

Oh yes, I know, there is dancing with the stars on TV...

But I see a whole lot of people watching it, and talking about it. But not many people actually doing it.

You know dancing!

Moving your body with or with out a partner to the rhythm of the beat.

But there are no actual places offering to let you do it except dance studios. And if there are places besides dance studio's doing it, they are so above any place a kid could go and do it.

I was really lucky to have grown up in the 70's !
We had disco! And thanks to "Happy Days" the TV show. It was so popular we had 50's days dances at school. Not to mention, "Deep Purple",
American Bandstand, Soul Train. I mean... Wow! We were so lucky!

Every Friday night there were dances at school, 50 cents got you in, and pop and pop corn were $1.00. Local businesses even donated prizes. You could purchased a raffle ticket for a quarter, and the money went to a local charity.  Nothing better! And to top it off these dances were packed with kids dancing, Parents chaperoned the events. And the school made boodles of money on it. And the kids went home happy, slept in on Saturday morning. Nice!

No fighting, just loads of fun and good feelings...

My kids had one dance when they were in school, it didn't sound like fun and they all came home bummed out because you couldn't dance to the music they played. Rap. Okay, I like some rap, but yeah it can be a little hard to dance to if it is hard core.

Sadly the school decided at that point "No more dances"...

Okay, what? That's just sad...

Oh they said they were worried about possible fights. Well, if they had good music and had been dancing, I don't think they would have had to worry as much. And, oh my the kids just didn't seem to enjoy it.
Well, why quit after one try? Why not try to make it better next time? Plan better, have better music and food and beverages. that always helped the teens at my house.

We all danced a lot at my house growing up. And I continued that tradition when my kids were growing up. Dancing is fun. Even a big chubby old broad like me can dance!

And here's the big secret nobody in the right places seems to get. If you show kids that dancing  is fun, however lame they may think grownups are. They will get it. Kids know fun when they see it...

But maybe that's the problem today, everybody is so busy talking about unhealthy kids, that nobody is getting up and doing anything about it! Well dancing is healthy, and fun! Let's all stop standing on the sidelines and do it!
 And if you plan it right and get parents to volunteer, you can even make money to support your schools, your club, your hall, your church and maybe even a few local charities.

Bring back "Happy Days"! Play your "Xanadu" and "Grease" and "Mama Mia" movies! But don't just sit there. Dance and sing!

If you are on a committee that's planing an event  suggest a dance!

 Let's start a revolution!

Just  Dance!

It can be such a source of joy!
Dancing goobers by Laurie A. Blair copyright 2010

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Whoa! A Whole Lot of Change Going On...


So this weekend I had a lot going on...

I started it early on Thursday with a diagnosis of Strep throat.... Owww...Tis the season...

I had Mina coming for the weekend so I asked the doctor if I could still have her here. The doctor said I could but I needed to start anti-biotics right away, along with a discussion of why I need to wear a mask at work all the time, and around the grandchildren when they are sick. So I picked up the prescription and took it.

I was knocked for a loop.
I couldn't stay awake!  I called the doctors office back. Oh, they said, "whoops! we should have mentioned it is a heavy dose of anti-biotics". "You're going to want to sleep a lot".

"Ummm, sleeping a lot does not work with a four year old..." I said. "Oh, we didn't think about that!" they said. Getting older and having all these colds and viruses throws me for a loop. And has been an unpleasant change for me.

Okay, so it's been a little bit of a challenge.
But I think it's also turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

You see we had planned to go to the museum with Mina and to see the butterflies. And a bunch of other things. But we could tell right away something was different. She was anxious about, well, just about everything. When we were getting ready to go to the play ground, She worried about everything, were we sure we knew how to get there, what happens if she gets lost? What if there were big kids there playing? She had never been this way before and Andy and I were a little taken aback.
What was going on?

We suddenly remembered that she had just started school, With all the reminders from her teacher about not getting lost and checking and rechecking on every activity. Not to mention her first time being on the bus and away from home every day. Her mom and aunt had been the same way for the first few months after they first started school.

A time of change for both of us...

So, we decided to take it easy and pull back and do what both my body  and  Mina's little body and mind needed. Rest and cuddle, spend time quietly and peacefully. And it's been so nice.

Because we opened our mind to the reality of a whole lot of change going on.
All around us.
The new school year, our changing world, my aging body, and mother nature herself.

I think mother nature has it right, A cooler world to help us remember to cuddle, beauty in the plants all around us. Beauty so amazing that makes us stop in our tracks and just stand in awe!

So we are cuddling and watching a movie, allowing our bodies and minds to adapt to the changes all around us and do what nature has been trying to teach all along.

Stop and adapt, become strong for the next season in life.

Because there is a whole lot of change going on.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I Love You a Million Sour Gummy Worms

Sour Gummy Worms

Have you ever loved someone so much that it was like fire in your soul?

I Have and do.

People don't believe me when I say I fell in love with Andy at first site. 

I did...Hard!

It was at youth choir that he first knew it. We had met once before at regular choir, we were the youngest members. But at youth choir his sister, Jodie,  must have noticed me following his every move. She sat next to me and kept asking me "you like my brother don't you?" after about the forth time I said "yes" She immediately stood up and said "she likes Andy!" The floor could have opened me up and sucked me in and I would have been grateful. He never said anything though and two weeks later he asked out my sister Naomi and gave her a Dumbo stuffed animal from Disney world. She said "no". And that was the end of that.

I consequently hate Dumbo... Yes, sad to say a poor animated creature is hated due to that dumb moment. 

Oh I cried. But I got over it and went out with other people. But God help me I burned for him! 
One night about a year later as we were at a church party to say goodbye to our youth minister, who had recently become the minister of that church, Andy and I just happened to be standing next to each other talking with someone and they mentioned how good we looked together. I still don't know what came over me, I reached out took his hand and said, "I know"! And then it happened he squeezed my hand and wouldn't let go,. All night! He asked me out a few days later and I'll never forget that wonderful night. Something happened on that date. The first time we danced it was like souls touching. I can't explain it. But believe me, you'll know it if you feel it!

I could say and... we lived happily ever after....

But that wouldn't be true or honest.

Oh we are happy and in love! 
But so many young couples, and older couples for that matter, look at us like we were lucky and it worked out easy for us.
No, they must know the truth....Love is hard, and messy, full of doubts, and mistakes. There are ups and downs. times of utter sadness and fear. 

But there is also times of exaltation, Happiness, sharing and caring that fills you up beyond anything comprehendable! 

But simple and easy... not in the beginning, for sure, and sometimes not even later on. We promised each other to love each other no matter what, and we meant it and showed it. Promised that we could tell each other anything and what we couldn't share with the world, we could always share with each other. I think this is what the Bible means when it says cleave onto each other... Unconditional love. This is no easy thing to promise each other! And you've got to mean it and do it! Or it does not work!

We have done this for 32 years, there have been times when people thought our marriage was over, and that Andy didn't love me anymore. I told them they were wrong. And I was right! Yes, we have fought our way through, and are all the happier for it. We know each other so well we really can read each other thoughts, when he or I are sad we can feel it in our souls and when we are happy our souls sing! I ask for nothing more. 

I still feel a shiver when he comes in the room, and wake up at night just to touch his face. He still kisses me goodbye and hello and neither of us can wait everyday for the time when we can be together. This is love plain and simple. being there for each other in all things.

A few years ago Andy and I watched the movie "What A Girl Wants" and there is a part in it where the mom and daughter are having a little fight over a very emotional thing, and the mother says "I love you a million Swedish fish!" and the daughter replies "I love you a million red M&M's!" Wow! We both got it, What a wonderful way to express your feelings when it's hard to put into words that you are sorry, and want to give this person unconditional love, and comfort, a knowing that you will always be there...

We are so Blessed, so have kept that promise our souls made the first time they came together. To have taken this journey of life together.  To have found such an amazing love and fought to keep it.

I love you a million sour gummy worms sweetie...  

Andy and Laurie Winter 2011

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Summers End...

I just realized today, summer is almost over! I will not miss the usual stuff people miss. sunbathing and swimming, picnics and such. Oh those things are great!

But what I love about summer is the Vegetable and Fruit stands!

The produce is so fresh and delicious...Yum! The colors call to you. The snap of peas and beans as you prepare them for dinner. Carrots are so sweet! Tomatoes, and cucumbers, well I could eat those all day long.

Stuffed peppers, coleslaw with apples and onions, cooked cabbage, potatoes and veggies galore...

Oh my gosh and cauliflower! Make it up in a casserole dish with cheddar cheese and bread crumbs it's like tasting heaven!

Corn, bread and butter , bright yellow, or the sweet little white pearl ones, boiled, grilled, shucked and in salad. Ahhhhh....

Not to mention, grapes, peaches, nectarines, apples, and cherries!

My heart is beating so fast! I love them all!

But soon they will be shut down. I will have to partake of the fare at the grocery store. Don't get me wrong, I am grateful that the grocery store carries these things. but let's be honest they don't taste the same....

How I will miss the wonderful smells and tastes of the neighborhood farm market. Their producer's advice, talking with them and seeing the pride they have for their product. We are so lucky to have this abundance in this country!

But the truth is farmers are going away. We need to support them more. Much more! So if you like vegetables and fruits as much as I do, and love the fresh homegrown pride of our growers. take an hour this weekend, go with a list, bring extra cash, find your local farm market and stock up. Make jam, and sauce and freeze peppers and onions, make apple sauce and peach cobbler. Go home and make salads and soups. Just go Crazy!

Get your crunch on!

Tomato and mayo sandwich here I come!!  

Monday, September 19, 2011

Read a Book!

Ellie and Grandma reading Dr. Suess's "Mr. Brown can Moo! Can You?"

This weekend as my husband and I were sitting visiting with friends, One of them mentioned my Blog. My husband looked at me and asked" you've got to be running out of things to write about..." Then he looked at me and shook his head smiling "what am I thinking?"

I must tell you that at any given time I have twenty ideas rumbling around in my head. I let them work themselves out and then they are put down in writing in my blog. Some burst from me! And others take a little finessing. But, I am not worried about running out of ideas...

I love writing and reading!

I don't remember the exact origins of why I am this way, but I believe most of my siblings are too. So I give this one out to all my parents.

Bored, nothing to do?

"Read a book!"

We all heard it a lot growing up in my house, and it was backed up with stories read to us, and watching our parents enjoy a good book. Not to mention numerous trips to the library. We were encouraged to read even comic books. Anything that involved reading. I remember when my brother was four and getting ready for kindergarten. my mother had index cards with words for everything taped up in the house. "Light switch" on the, well you guessed it. The Light switch! Railing, yup somewhere going down the stairs on the railing was an index card with the word "Railing". And thanks to their perseverance and love of reading when I got to school I exceeded most of the class.
It was the only thing besides art and history that I excelled at in school.

My point though is you can help kids love reading  by simply showing them how it's done and reading to them.
I heard the other night on the news that the schools were going to have to bring in specialists to help the children learn to like reading.

Oh that's so sad!

Really? Wow! I thought. I can't fathom the idea .
I wrote a Blog about how I never bought toys or candy at the store. I didn't. But I would scrape every last piece of change out of my purse to buy them (my kids) a book. I was never too busy to read a story, write a book with them, or talk about a book. And  because of that, my children love reading books too.

I sit with Ellie and Mina an hour before bedtime, we read at least three books. Sometimes one over and over! Then we sing and talk about our day that we shared. And what we are going to do the next day. I love this time! I love watching them understand words and grasp stories as we read them again and again. Yup! I Moo and Cockle doodle do! I talk in Billy goat voices and, cackle like witches. And I watch the wonder of imagination being born in them.

I don't think anything we do to help our children get there is too silly or out of character.
Let's not wait till the schools have to bring in a specialist.

Read a book, volunteer to read at church, at the library, at school. Read a book yourself in public. It's not rude unless you are ignoring someone.

And yes, always answer the question, "can you read me a story?' with...


"Read a Book!"

Friday, September 16, 2011

Just a little Peanut...

baby Goober by Laurie A. Blair copyright 2011

Ah the birth of Goober... He was born at Sara's hospital bedside in 2000. I was trying to make her laugh.

He's a kidney, you see.

Only Sara turned him into a peanut.
She kept saying, what a cute little peanut he was, and it stuck!
From an attempt to make Sara happy, came something that makes me very happy.

Now goober has become quite a part of my life. So I am warning all of you, you will see more of him. Those who live near me already know him well. Yup!

Goobers are very busy guys. they live on a planet where they mine Fluffer-nutter. It's their favorite food. Yum!
Goober Miner by Laurie A. Blair  copyright 2008

They are into many things, Sumu wrestling, Rodeo's, dancing, you name it! They are a blast to be around!

Cowboy Goober by Laurie A. Blair  copyright 2008

They have pets and houses, and a few things we don't have, like flying cars. Oh and transportation tubes, yes these are very important if you are a Goober (short legs, big feet...).

Goober is just fun in a sometimes gloomy day.  I can't wait to share him more with you.

Plus all you grand parents out there have my permission to click on them and print them on your home computers. they make great coloring pages!
I hope you enjoy Goober as much as I do. I look forward to taking you on some grand adventures!
I'll let you know when the Tour bus is coming around, then feel free to hop aboard. no charge. FREE!
Goober Tour Bus by Laurie A. Blair Copyright 2006
 I can't wait! Look for the "Adventures of Goober in Fluffernutter Canyon, Down a Hole without a Rope" Coming soon!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

All Good Gifts...

Roland and Pat Brotz 2011

My earliest memories at church are ones of service all encouraged by Pat Brotz, our youth leader at that time. Can drives, newspaper drives, nursing home service, visiting and helping shut ins. church dinners and plays to support missions. Rolland her husband  helped a lot too.

Lots of fun, with purpose.

Later, these two, Roland and Pat took on the job of running our clothes closet. They have been doing it for years now.

It is getting harder for the two of them , Pat and Roland, to get up and down the stairs and to bring in the donations.But they keep coming, You can't stop them, and believe me I have tried to hold them back a bit. Nope they live to help.

Now they have a lot of wonderful helpers in the closet, too many to mention. Even their own children who no longer attend our church, come and assist weekly. Every Tuesday they (the volunteers) come and help sort out the donations, walk through the closet with customers, migrant workers, families in need, etc. And help in any way they can. They are all ANGELS!

We are lucky enough to have so many people in our church who seek to serve.

Our caring cooks provide meals for people in need all around the community. Sick? Loss of a loved one? Older and shut in, these women and sometimes a man or two, send out food. Once a month they provide food for our community meal, free to the public.  They have a food sale table, when needed,  to support all these services so they can continue to keep on giving to the community.

We have people involved in the local food shelf, keeping our church aware of needs and picking up and delivering the donations. every week.

And that is only the beginning... I am astounded by all "Our Good Gifts!"

In this time of trouble, no jobs, poverty, foreclosure... these are the people who make up the backbones of our community. They give Hope, Renewal. and Encouragement to all.

Do you have people in your community, schools, churches or other organizations who share their "Good Gifts with you?

I hope you do...

I am taking the time out today to share my thanks for all of these wonderful souls.

I hope you do so too... because where would we be without them?

For sharing in a very real way the true meaning of service I Thank you.

For all  Our Good Gifts, we thank you.

God bless you.

Our youth group.
I am in the  in the third row from the bottom second in from the right in the green dress.
Andy is on the top row second in from the left.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Ghosts of Christmas Presents Past...

From "A Christmas Carol" Fezziwigs party
Ghosts are haunting me...

Day and night....

All day long I see them around me...

And all night long they whisper in my head...

It's coming! You can't hide from it. We are still here....

I only have to look at my calendar and there it is "Christmas"... It's just about three months away. And I am determined to rid myself of the Ghosts of Christmas presents past.

How did the ghosts become part of my household? Well, they started as good intentions, lovely thoughts, and pure unadulterated over simplification. You know what I mean.
Oh I'll make everybody mittens this year, I have plenty of time to knit mom a coat, and needlepoint that tablecloth for Aunt Jo! Oh you meant well, but really your husband was right when he said shaking his head "you'll never get all that done by Christmas." I hate to say it... He was right.

So now my house is swarming with ghosts of Christmas Presents past!

I must remove them to their proper owners! So I have made it my mission, and I am doing pretty well, to finish these ghostly projects and to turn them over to their proper owners with love on Christmas day. My crochet hook is warm and humming, and my knitting needles are smoking!

I have almost three months... I can do it.

Two down, fifty to go!


Oh shut up!


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Poke, poke...Poke...

"Mittens" from BOLT the movie
I like Mittens in the movie BOLT cause she looks like my Rosie.

We named her that because most of her pads are black except for two little cute pink ones, get it? Rosie toesies!

I have had many cats and a dog and have loved them all very much. But Rosie is special. Why? because she is my last. No. I won't change my mind. Yes, it makes me sad. But for private, good reasons. she is my last.

She really is my grand kitty. Sara is her real mom, Erik presented her to Sara as a present when they were dating. But at the time Sara was on dialysis and this poor little kitten needed a lot of care. I think they fixed her too early because she was a foundling and they wanted it done before the doctor left.

She was an itty bitty thing with huge ears and big paws and a long, long tail. But she would shake from the cold, so for days I walked around with her in my nipple hat (it was a winter hat that was rose colored and shaped like a nipple, what can I say...?) I carried her around from morning to night feeding her warm milk and helping her to get strong. Sara tried but dialysis took her away three days a week. She slept with me and Andy, curled up between us purring away. I'll never forget the day we had to help get her little stitches out because they were not dissolving and falling out so the vet suggested a warm wash cloth and tweezers. Oh that poor trusting little kitty laid in Sara's hands and we pulled them all out with shaking hands and tears for the poor kitty.

When Sara finally moved out she told me she was leaving Rosie with me. I think she was very kind because she could have taken her. But I think Sara knew she was special to me.

Rosie comes when I call her. I can sing a song  ♪♫ Rosie, toesie, how does your garden growsie, come see grandma and I'll pet your little nosie ♪♫♪. Or I can chirp , she will come running every time.

When Andy is around she is his sweet girl, she rubs on him, rolls over and falls down next to him and makes little mewling sounds until her daddy talks to her and pets her and plays with her.

On the days when we both have to work, she misses us terribly and meets us at the door with stoies of her terrible ordeal, being alone and all... LOL!

But the thing I have come to love the most is how she comes and sleeps with you like a person. She pokes you (never with her claws, just her paw), poke, poke... then she will lay down next to you and expects you to share your pillow with her. She loves it when you throw a protective arm over her. She snuggles right against you and purrs you to sleep!

There is nothing better!

When she is gone I will miss her more than I can say... And I am forever grateful for all the beautiful creatures God has sent to share my life. They have given me loyalty and friendship, companionship, and security, But most of all wonderful unconditional LOVE! Anything I have given to my pets they have returned ten fold.... The ones I have lost already never leave my heart...
I feel them all in my soul every second of every day!

So right now I am going to enjoy Rosie, in my arms, purring, lulling me to sleep and treasure every moment I have with her.

I hope you all have the chance to experience the love of one of God's creatures at least once in your lifetime.
What you will gain is immeasurable.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Ahhh Stampy...

Disney's Heffalump
Do you like cross words? I do.

So does my sister Bonnie. Upon occasion we like doing them together.

For a period of time we worked together at the same gas station. Mornings were the best because we could work on the daily crossword in the paper and complete it together between customers. or if she worked morning and I worked evenings she would leave me a half completed puzzle to finish. Or a completed one with the word "HA!" written across it.

DID I mention I like to tease my sister upon occasion?

So cometh the birth of Stampy.

One day as she was working on the puzzle she called out as usual " a 16 letter word for a, whats a fangle?"
( I just made up a word, couldn't remember the actual one). "And it begins with S!"

Oh that's easy said I, "STAAAAMMMMPPPPPY!" She pokes her head around the corner of the office, "Stampy?" she asks with a smirk on her face. "Really" I say looking serious. "What's a Stampy?" she asks. "A large pink Indian elephant!" I reply. She busts out laughing! "No!" she says. "Yes!" I say...  Finally I can no longer hold it in. "HA! I say. Laughing and laughing!

Well, thus began the adventures of Stampy. When we didn't know the answer to a question, it was Stampy, Something break or fall over at the station it was Stampy. Many times when I would come in at night and find the half finished puzzle from then on, there would be note indicating she thought it might be "Stampy" You spilled coffee, oh that silly ol' Stampy!

We had many wonderful laughs over Stampy and his antics...

A year ago when I was diagnosed with cancer and was going through radiation treatment. I started doing  a lot of crosswords to take my mind off things. One night as I was having a hard time I texted my sister because it was late. "working on crossword puzzle, wish you were here". She texted me back, "is it Stampy?" and "HUGS".  I laughed so hard. I needed that.

A couple of nights later she texted me that she and her youngest son were talking about Stampy and all his antics and laughing and laughing. That made me so happy.

Because it meant that Stampy would go on. Oh not the actual thing, not a real elephant. I am not that sister might have something to say about that.

No, what I mean is, the spirit of fun, and laughter, of something only you and your crazy sibling can laugh over, that nobody else really gets. Not really. Because when you share these things with a sibling, you are connecting in a simple way., with a much deeper meaning. This laughter, this imaginary friend, this story, this camaraderie...

It is really just love. Plain and simple.

Love you Bonnie, Naomi, David, Michael, and Christian. Very much!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Never Forget.

Never Forget by Laurie A. Blair copyright 2011 
We are in Sara's hospital room at Strong hospital.

Sara has just received her Kidney transplant a few days past.

Watching good Morning America, when Charlie Gibson breaks into the story they are playing...

A plane has crashed into one of the Twin towers. They don't know why.

I call Andy at home who is caring for our other daughter who donated the kidney. she had been sent home the night before.
"Oh my God!" he says, "let me turn it on!" we hang up and I run down to get breakfast while we are waiting to be updated about what is going on. Sara has many tests today. I want to be ready. When I get back up in her room  no more than 7 minutes later I am stunned to see my daughter, tears dripping down her cheeks, "Mommy!" she says, "They are attacking us! " She points wildly at the TV screen.

Over the next few minutes Charlie Gibson explains what they know and they show the second plane going into the other tower. It's official, he says the United states is under attack.....

A few minutes later there is an announcement about security measures at the hospital, and what they will be doing. But all I can hear is the vast silence.... It went from a large booming hospital with many noises, to you could hear a pin drop if you had one to drop.

Andy calls, we talk and we all tell each other we love each other, I call my son at work and check on him, we also share our love.

You know how the rest of the day and all the days that followed went. I don't need to say more about them.
But the thing that still strikes me to this day was the silence.

It was Deafening!

It was terrifying!

There were no planes flying over head. cars drove quieter, people spoke to each other softly. It was so quiet you could feel it in your head and bones.

And that's when it came to me. This was what God meant "to be still and know..." "He is our God and he is with us." We are not alone.

We will never forget, NEVER!
And in the vast un-certain quiet that consumes us all during times like this. We must-

 Be still and know...

And don't waste a single opportunity, not ONE,  to share your love with each other .

I love you all!

God bless you...

Friday, September 9, 2011


Wile E. Coyote

Now I was a very shy quiet kid, scared of the world. But I loved to laugh.

And apparently I had a weird sense of humor as well.
The Epic tales of diarrhea baby (don't ask!) finally let my sisters and brother in on it. Although they did love those stories?

I loved to watch old movies and comedy's. I  really got them!

Looney Tunes Wow!
They were like manna from Heaven for me! One of my best memories is watching the road runner cartoons with my dad on Saturday mornings. Oh I know they were silly, and always ended the same. But that was what made them great! That every time, even when he probably knew it was going to happen, he just kept jumping into that situation with that road runner. SPLAT! Kind of like a girl who falls a lot? Hmmm. LOL!

Last year Andy got me some Looney tunes DVD's to share with the grandkids . The first time I put it in Mina loved it. Usually she tells me, " I don't like this one grandma!" and picks an old tried and true movie. But this times she sat still and watched her face lighted up and she laughed at all the right parts! Wiley Coyote standing there in mid air with that little broken umbrella saying "mother... She busted out laughing and ran to the middle of the floor and said "grandma he is soo funny"! " He said," "mother .."(in the exact tone of the character) "and fell just like this," and she made the cartoon noise and said "SPLAT!" I hugged her so tight. "you had grandma at "mother..." I said. "you had me at," "mother..."

So now when she comes over we watch them before grandpa comes home at night and we laugh and laugh. She and I make all the funny sounds, woo hoo, woo hoo, Zing , Zonk, Doink! And sing along with Bugs. And we laugh hysterically as Bugs rides down the mountain to Elmer Fudd dressed as a viking maiden on the fattest white horse you ever saw, as great opera music swells in the background!

These characters got me through many sad times. Made many happy times even better.

I think in the next day or so there will be many sad things to remember.

Many of the people who spoke with their family members, in those towers and on those planes, before they died on 9/11 were told to remember, to live their lives. That it is the best legacy of all. Life must go on!

I believe that with all my heart... So I will be watching all the ceremony's and remembrances like many of you. Steadfast and true.

And at the end of the day I will take out those DVD's, find my funny bone and laugh.

Because life must go on! We must find the Joy and show the world that Americans are going on. We do not live in fear!

"Pow right in the kisser!"
Take that Osama!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Going Green!

Lucky the Amigurumi Snail created by Laurie A. Blair
Lucky here is a little slow. he is still the ultimate recycler though. Every time he needs a new home. he doesn't build a new one and waste resources. He finds an old one he can reuse.

Now, I too am attempting to be avid recycler,  there I just added it to my dictionary. It's officially a word!

I know it can be a pain to recycle. But every time I see a child there is no question in my mind that I am right to be so proactive. their future is at stake.

Now when I started my job as custodian at our church you would not believe the amount of paper we threw away! I quickly made it my goal to recycle as much as possible bulletins and banners. meeting notes and what have you... I would say I now recycle as much as 92% of the items thrown out at our church. Other people there are working hard on it too. Asking people to use ceramic cups, not disposable, if possible. using cloth table covers, real plates and silver ware for events whenever they can.

But there are still hold outs. people who say it doesn't make a difference and then throw their foam cup full of coffee into the trash making it impossible for me to recycle the wet glop now residing in the trash can, and forcing me to empty a quarter full bag. What a waste....

Putting water bottles in the trash. Oh please, oh please, consider purchasing a re-usable water bottle! And if you can't please recycle the plastic one. Don't throw it away whatever you do!

Boxes, cans, paper you name it go for it. Check your local recycle numbers and go wild.

I am hoping to eventually get our church to put solar panels on the roof. Many companies lease them now making them very affordable, like FREE. many churches are doing it too. Especially in the Northeast. They have huge roofs and can hold a large amount of panels. That plus there is a lot of time when they (the churches) are not using the building so all that passive energy can be sold back to the power companies. What a saving! Just imagine what the church could do with that money! These companies will lease them for 25 years and are responsible for all repairs and updates. Nice huh?

I just see so many ways we are just missing the boat in America. We need to get rid of that old mentality that the Earth can take care of it self, and start listening. It needs help!

If I had all the money in the world I would buy a plot of land on a mountain, build an underground house, put solar panels on the roof. A power windmill in the back, And a water recapture system for my roof and land. I know some people will think I am going over the top. But I really believe in it!

Now I can't be the Indian crying at the side of the road as people throw trash at his feet. But I can be a grandma asking you to think about going green, or greener for all our children's futures. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Compost, Garden, Look into new energy companies that are researching  new ways to save energy and support them. This could mean awesome jobs for people as well.

They are having a big Greentopia festival in Rochester NY next weekend and I can't wait to go! . I am really hoping they can give me some new great ideas. I hope if you are local you get a chance to go too. I would love to see you there!

My kids used to say "Green is yucky!"

I say green is Renewing, refreshing and beautiful! For our future I am now going green!

What is that smell?

Angry Beavers cartoon
"Hmmm. What is that smell?" one cashier asks the other. "it's like oranges and spice".
Now I know you are all going to really think I am crazy. 

I wear my jeans two times before I wash them, unless something has physically gotten on them. Yesterday I cleaned at church, and something physically got on them but I am not washing them till tonight. Somehow some fragrance oil from our air freshners got on my pants.

It smells great! I have been walking around enjoying the way I smell. Hee Hee.

This is not the first time I have discovered this weird quality about myself. A couple of winter's ago I had purchased a snowman pin from AVON that had little bells on it. I had pinned it to my winter coat and as I walked around the village one day I kept hearing the sweetest little bells, and I asked everybody. "Do you hear those bells?" "Where do you think they are coming from?" Until I stopped at the fire hall to tie my shoe and realized it was me! The pin! I thought those little bells were decorations only, but no, out of them came the sweetest sound. I walked around the rest of that winter so happy that the bell sound was me...

I found a USB adapter at the dollar store a few years ago that opens and retracts like a measuring tape, my husband said "it's too cheap it will never work!" Well it does, and we use it a lot! I keep it in my camera bag and it is wonderful because I can hook up my camera pretty much everywhere. 

Little things like this give me a thrill! I love them! They remind me to cherish the little things. Sure all those big things like, TV's,  Cars, you name it, are good. But with them comes expense , repairs, and eventually replacement.  

But it's the little strange funny things, that cost little or nothing, that usually bring us JOY!

This one is short and sweet. I hope you find a little something tht brings you JOY this week.

I am going to walk around and enjoy my spicy sweet orangey smell. Hmmmm... I smell me!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Yin and Yang by Laurie A. Blair copyright 2000

Ah Kid-na-versary! The celebration of the day Chandra donated a kidney to her sister Sara. Used to be a happy time of year for us, A great celebration!

But last year Sara's kidney failed and back to dialysis she went. So no Kid-na-versary!

The Yin and Yang drawing above is for the girls to celebrate their oneness and their separateness. This is them in my womb.They are identical twins. As we understand it  that makes them freaks of nature, not hereditary, just a crazy old egg that split in the womb.

They have always been close. And as we have observed over the years other set of twins, both identical and fraternal. We have noticed something interesting. Either they love each other and are really close or they are related but hate each others guts. Strange huh?

The girls cannot fathom the latter...

This kidney thing has been a real game changer for all of us. Sara had just turned 18 and at first they thought it was acute glomerulonephritis. Caused by a sudden infection of the throat or skin. But two years after her transplant we found out during a follow up biopsy that it was something much more. FSGS or Focal Segmental Glomerlo Sclerosis. It is hereditary... We have no idea which side of the family carries the gene as I can find no reference in family medical history of anyone suffering from kidney problems, and my husband is adopted. We have no medical history for him. (That is another conversation alltogether!) We know only one of us carries the gene or all our children would be suffering from this disease.

Truthfully we don't want to know now. It wouldn't help and would use a lot of money that could go to other things.

But it is funny how identical twins from a split egg, which is not hereditary, could have only one of them carrying a hereditary gene that causes this horrible disease.

But even more amazing is the fact that one sister, Chandra, stepped up to share her health with the other, Sara. We did not ask it of her, nor did we encourage it. We already had one daughter whose life was at risk. But she at 18 years of age had the courage and will to help her sister. She gave Sara 9 years of a practically normal life. Time to get married and have a baby, that they said was almost impossible! Time to have a life.

Oh don't get me wrong I am grateful for dialysis! But believe me when I say Dialysis gives you life, but it also takes it away...

Now as Sara is on dialysis again waiting for another transplant. I pray for a cure for all who suffer from these horrible afflictions. That they might have a real life.

So as it comes to this former day of celebration for us, I think I will call it the Kidney Memorial day. I ask that you pray, that you look into what you can do,
be it to donate money or time ,

Get involved in fundraising activities in your area.
The Kidney walk is coming up.

And if you can and are healthy enough to, and desire to give the gift of life, get tested. Donate a kidney. You could really change a life!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Church floor after I cleaned it.

This may sound silly... I sent myself this picture, after I finished cleaning the floor at church where I am the custodian.  Not to show to people and brag. But for pure enjoyment, for me, in a job well done. My husband just shakes his head and says,"you're weird."

Maybe, but  I learned the pleasure of the reward of a job "well done" early on, and I think it is something we forget to teach our children.
My kids and now my grandkids started following me around cleaning when they were little. If they could hold something and I was cleaning why not give them a dust rag and let them help? That does not mean that they got the "Bug" or kept it.
I still remember the day my kids came home and told me they thought they should get an allowance for cleaning. For doing their jobs everyday. "Really?" I said. "and who do you think pays me?"
"Well all our friends get an allowance for doing their jobs!"
"Well", said I, "you won't".I continued to explain, "Nobody is going to pay you to keep your house clean when you are adults." "A good job is it's own reward". "Dad and I get you what you need when you need it". "We all live in this house and we are all responsible for it". "Nobody pays dad and I to take care of these things at home"." We go to work for money and come home and work at home for our family". "To wit, you are all a part of... so guess what?"
" No allowance..."was the reply.

Now I may sound mean, but I don't think so. It's true! You must learn to find the reward of a job well done.

I used many things to help make the kids see cleaning as a fun and doable thing.
The ten minute pick up- watching TV? Every time there is a commercial, everybody gets up and cleans something for ten minutes. 5 people+ 3 ten minute commercials a show = 150 minutes of cleaning time and before you know it the work is done. All in the span of one half hour of TV programming. Nice!

Job day- Well the kids groaned, but we did have fun. I would play the music loud. they could here it on the street when they were walking home and knew. JOB DAY! Except I think they said it more like Aww... job day.... I would have a list once a month ,usually 4 or 5 pages long , front and back. I would place it on the dining room table with a snack and all the cleaning supplies needed. By the way, this must be done on a Friday so as not to interfere with homework. So we would all pick a job from the list, do the job,check it off when done and move on to the next. Yeah, it was hard work. but when we were done there was pizza and thanks and everybody felt great in the pretty, clean, house.

I do not mean to give the impression that my children are now super cleaners, or that they enjoy the process. Some are and do. Some are not and don't. But at least they are not waiting for the world to do it for them, or reward them for doing it.

That I love cleaning is my thing... Oh and my house is not perfect by any means either. I am still an artist, and well, that means artistic stuff is always around and about my house. But underneath it is clean!

But really once you do the work and know how well the job is done, don't you just enjoy that glow...  I do.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

She just loves being a mom....

Chandra and Ellie just moments after Ellie's birth
This is my Chandra,  She and her twin sister Sara are both mommy's.
Chandra and Ellie, Sara and Mina
They are both good mom's. I am so proud of them both!

I feel so blessed that they allow me to share their children and their lives. It's a really special gift...

But Chandie, has something I understand. Something that, I think, has taken her by surprise. Because it is so much more than she ever thought it would be. She really, really loves being a mom.

She calls me everyday after she gets out of work on her way to get Ellie from daycare. She cannot wait! She is so excited! She shares little bits and pieces of the day before so that I always feel like I am a part of my grandbaby Ellie's life. If she has concerns she'll talk to me about them. She loves advice and cherishes having resources that she can garner it from. She wants to savor every experience, every moment of her journey in her life with her child.

She loves her job too and is really good at it! But would love to stay home with Ellie and be a full time mom. She knows in the world we now live in that she will probably not be able to do that. She would love to have another baby so Ellie can have a brother or sister. But then daycare would be so costly she would be paying to work.

She looks for ways in everyday things to make the most of all her time with Ellie. I remember when she first brought Ellie home , a month premature, with complications from the spinal they gave her during delivery. She dragged her self around and would not go back to emergency even when the pain was ghastly. She was not going to miss one minute of being Ellie's mom. Her sister Sara and I had to convince her that it was for Ellie's sake too that she go get help. She just loves being a mom!

Now that does not mean she woke up and knew everything about what being a good mom is. There are no naturals. No, She reads a lot at night, when she could be resting from a long day at work,about what to expect in the upcoming stages of Ellie's development, She asks for help when she needs it. She looks for ways to make sure that everyday she is helping Ellie find her way in this world joyfully. She is not wishy washy and has a sure mind about things when she has decided on her path. And I see  Chandie's love shining out through Ellie. She is so calm, and secure. Sure of her mommy and daddy's love. Sure her mom will be there with her as she explores her world.

I have to be honest Chandra was my frenetic child. I never saw her as being this way. But she is! And she astounds me!

I wish it was an easier world for our mom's, and Dad's out there. I worry for our children's future. I see what a difference the time that  Chandra spends with Ellie everyday makes. And  I wonder how much even more wonderful that life could be if she could be there everyday, all the time.

Because she really, really loves being a mom!

So if you know a mom or dad , give them a pat on the back, a hug, an "Atta boy!" They are raising our future and it isn't easy. Encourage them as much as you can so that they can love being a parent too....
Gotta go, my phones ringing, Oh Yay! It's Chandra!

Saturday, September 3, 2011


Grown up crayons!
Red and yellow, and pink and green. Purple and orange and blue... ♪ ♫♪ I can sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow, I bet you can too! ♫♪♫♫

I love crayons!

They are really like being able to hold a rainbow in your hands! The smell when you open a new box, the crisp sharp edges of the untouched crayons....Mmmmm....

My favorite episode of Mr. Roger's neighborhood? The one where he takes you to see crayons made at the factory! All the colors and tons of crayons.

Know the restaurants where they have paper tablecloths and they put crayons down for your kids, yeah well, I'm the kid!

Although I don't like it when parents let their kids color on the wooden pews at church. Give them some paper please! But "WD-40" does a great job of getting it off. "Goo Be Gone" works too.

I bring crayons with me to the doctors office to draw on the paper on the examination table. My doctor loves it! So do the nurses for that matter.

I think people would be a lot happier if they brought crayons with them where ever they go. Stuck waiting at the airport, in a meeting, riding the bus home from work...No problem. You have crayons! Woo Hoo!

Leave a box of 8 on a table, or give one to a kid sitting bored while mom fills out paperwork at the doctor's office You will love the smiles!

I love Crayola! They have so many cool things now. They even have adult crayons! Yipee!

Their website is awesome!
It has all sorts of cool stuff you can do! Or as we grownups would say, "It has a lot of excellent resources for kids". There are coloring pages, games, experiments. And an on-line store where you can purchase delightful stuff without fear that your friend / co- worker, Ben from the next cubicle over at work, will see you buying crayons. Teachers, they actually have lesson plans on there to go with different projects. How can you go wrong!

So. this holiday weekend break out a rainbow or two! Put paper tablecloths on the old picnic table. place boxes of crayons at both ends and watch what happens! Give kids paper plates to decorate before they put their food on it. They are non-toxic! Go Wild! I hope you all have a great holiday weekend!

I wish I could send you all a box of crayons....

Friday, September 2, 2011

Clean Windows!

I have never been afraid of death for myself… As long as I can remember, I have felt, I was there before I knew this world. And I will be still, when my spirit leaves this world to stay with my father in heaven. I have however felt great fear at the loss of those I love. It is funny in a way, I so feared the loss of time and love that I wanted to share with them. That I forgot that knowledge of being with God.
My daughter Sara was my first teacher. When she experienced kidney failure, the doctors did not give her or us very much hope of her living. I saw her contemplate her death seriously. Watched as she came to a decision about how she would handle it. She never complained of being short changed or cheated. Yes, she was angry, but not at God. She found a way to be kind to all who treated her. To laugh in spite of astounding pain. She explained her wishes regarding death and asked that we honor them. How could I argue? I understood that she had found peace. But How? Because I was really afraid. I so admired her courage! Wished I had it.
 With my diagnosis of Cancer a couple of summers ago. I finally had my moment to contemplate death for myself. I too was angry, but not at God. I asked God to give me the strength to face what ever was to come with half as much courage as my daughter. He sent me “a peace that passes understanding”. It was strange how the answers poured over me then like a balm. It was okay to be angry, but not to wallow in it.
I  now finally understood my time with my loved ones would only be short here on earth but, in heaven, our time together would be infinite and so joyous! How easy it was with that knowledge to move forward! Happiness and joy came easy to me then. Acceptance and yes, Laughter  came next. Yes, there was pain and discomfort, but that heavenly understanding made it easy to see that everything the doctors did for me was to bring me health. I could face anything!
And I realized the most important thing, the one thing I had failed to really comprehend. God was there with me in all things! This is what had given Sara such peace! He had cleaned the earthly crud off my window and helped me see through it to the other side. I knew that if I died, my time away from those I love, would be like a brief pause in a conversation. I do not fear death in any way now. More fearful would be life lived without My heavenly father.
Still, I do hope to bring my family together more. We so often waste the glorious gifts we have been given to share with each other here on earth. Too often we are concerned with things not as important as they seem. Ask yourself, if you knew you were going to die in a month what would you do? What would you say to those you love? Who would you want to share time with? Then step forward in faith and do it. Why wait?
Sara fighting the good fight!

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Heaven's Gate by Laurie A. Blair
"In seeking Heavens gate, we sometimes forget, it can be as simple as opening the door..."

Did you ever have a place that was just "HOME" ?

You know, that place, that calls to you, makes you want to leave your everyday 9-5 things and just go there?

You may have only been there once, or you go there everyday. But, the smell and feel of the air are like perfume to your soul! Your heart leaps at the beauty of it. It could be a mud hole or a pristine forest. Doesn't matter...
You can't wait to get there and you never want to leave!

Vermont is that place for me. I can probably count the times I have been there on two hands. But I dream of it when I not there . I see it in my minds eye all the time. It has taken root in my soul. Oh I have a home here but it is more of a shelter. But I wonder...

This week with all the disasters up and down the East coast from hurricane Irene, I have been thinking about home a lot. What it means...

I can't help feeling the loss of that person on the news that lost their home to the flooding or the winds. The tears on their faces. That broken look, that lost soul.

I am so happy when people are found who made it through with barley a scratch!

But my heart keeps going back to the ones who lost so much...

Then even when we are done with the disasters. this year with the economy and the growing number of homeless families...

The people in Somalia... So many lost souls. We have to find a way to do as much as we can.


I hope we can all find a way to help these souls. I have been searching on line for places that will be providing aid.. Your local Red Cross is probably one of the best. Many Fire and Ambulance companies from local areas went out to help. I am sure they could use donations too. The world news organizations are providing links to help feed the children in Somalia. Not to mention your local food pantries.  I hope you can all find a way help.
And, if you are in need, I hope you can find your way to help!

I am looking to do what I can. I know many others who are too.

I hope your home is safe and sound, a peaceful haven. All that you dream of and more.

Let's all do what we can to bring everyone HOME.