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What a great picture! |
Wow ! What an awesome picture! If only all our experiences with church were like this... Well, if they were, the church, would be packed like a rock concert! And can you imagine the gloriousness of the Lord moving amoung us
Open to the Son's light, closed against the evils of the world. Sharing and caring. A Heavenly experience!
Oh I wish, pray, hope that it can be more like this, and believe with all my heart it is possible.
But to make that so, we have to stop judging, you know "He who without any SIN throw the first stone". Not easy I know, but I think I will let God do the judging and just love my fellow man. It really makes it a lot easier to follow God's word.
Let's face it we bring gossip, judgement and condemnation with us to church. We do! I admit to it!
I ask God to work with me everyday. Because, WE ALL have fallen short of the glory of God! And I know it. Oh, I have said something more than once in my lifetime that I wish I had been able to take back. Because I know it aided in bringing down someone...Oh it raised me up in the eyes of the person I was speaking to. But lowered me in the eyes of my savior... I saw myself adding stripes to my saviors back. Truthfully. I am ashamed. And he forgives me when I ask him. But if I continue to do so...
I know we don't mean to do these things. We have to find a way to be together, building each other up, bringing them into the fold without smothering them with our rules and regulations. Our version of what it means to be faithful. We think we are well meaning, but are we? Have we let go and let God? Are we loving our neighbor as ourselves? I don't think you can sit in judgement and do that. I know for me, it keeps me from my Lord.
I know so many faithful people who have been hurt by people in their church. Who can't find love, community or fellowship in the walls of the building their faith community built to honor GOD! That is so sad... And beyond that, I am pretty sure it is not what God would want us to do.
I have spoken with so many people lately about why a lot of local churches congregations are dying. I think we better face facts, stop blaming the world and look internally. Yeah, a lot more people have to work Sundays, offer a later service. Kids have a lot going on sports and stuff. Yeah, but offer something so interesting and convicted that they will beg their parents to come! We've got to reach out, and keep reaching! We can't offer the same old, same old. And we can't sit in judgement! "Oh those Smith's they never come to church anymore". " I see them every Sunday just hanging out." "They should be in church!"
We just made a divide. Us vs. Them. Do you think that is what God wants? I don't think so.
How about instead of waiting for them to come to church thoroughally chastised, so we can forgive them. And only if they prove themselves to us by never making another mistake.
And believe me I have seen people do this.
What if instead of all that, we reached out like Jesus. "Boy do we miss you!" "Is everything okay?" "Wow, the kids have really grown". " There are some new great programs they might enjoy". "Call us if you are interested , or would like more info". Friendly, non judgmental, welcoming. Reaching out. Not begging, genuine caring! No more if they were really Christian they would just come to church. Jesus went to the people. He could have just waited for them to come to him. You know they would have! But part of what he taught us was to go out into the world and meet people, reach people where they are!
What if we let in a little bit of Son light, in our churches, in our hearts and souls. Cleaned out the cobwebs. See where the bridges are damaged and the hedges overgrown... No more judgement, or gossip, or badmouthing. Pure light and Love and Forgiveness.
I want to see the Sunday morning after that.
I think I need to go pray, speak the truth to my savior, ask for a glowing church on a hill that welcomes all who seek him! And ask for a little bit of Son light so I can step out into the world and do my part to help make it be.