Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Asteroid Andy by Hallmark

Today was a long day... I have Mina my 4 year old granddaughter. She is the love and light of my life.
Today however I think her goal was to test every nerve in my body. Oh she fought me on every front.

"Grandma I don't like spoons, fingers are better!"
Not with noodles they are not!

"Grandma I want to stay at the playground forever!!!!"
But we have been here over an hour and you need lunch and sunscreen! And a nap!
"I don't like naps!!!" Screaming!
you have to understand she woke up at 5am! She cried all the way home.

Her final warning when I told her we were going to the store later was...
"Grandma if you go past that ice cream aisle again, I will just cry and cry!"
Whoa! Thanks for the head's up!

After her non- existent nap (2 hours her screaming out "I don't want to take a NAP!!").
I sat down at the computer with her and we decided to look for something fun to do.
This is where  Asteroid Andy comes in,http://www.hallmark.com/online/asteroid-andy/  If you have a kid, or are just a kid at heart go there and check it out. As she sat on my lap and we watched the Asteroid Andy shorts together. we giggled and laughed. We talked about things. We hugged and made each other feel better about what comes down to just one, sort of crummy day.

The final short we watched was called "Ice Cream Race" It has Asteroid Andy and his friend trying to have an ice cream race, but they keep getting horrible ice cream headaches. " quips like "what is this flavor, pain?" keep you laughing, and then finally as Asteroid Andy passes out from the pain, up flashes on the screen. "Nobody wins in an Ice cream race..."  I laughed so hard!

Today was an "Ice Cream Race" for Mina and I. LOL!!!
That's okay, There will be better days.
Like she told her grandpa when he got home and we got ready to go to the store.

"You know what grandpa?" "Nobody wins in an ice cream race." "So we're just not going down that aisle."

Monday, August 29, 2011

Let them eat cake!

If any of you have read about Marie Antoinette you have probably heard this phrase.

"Let them eat cake!" she is quoted as saying.

She said it in reference to the poor, when she was told they were starving and they had no bread. She wasn't bad, or cruel. Just isolated and insulated in her world. She had no concept of starving... want or need. By her standard and those of others around her she was a good mom and a good wife. She made one very important mistake. She forgot to look outside herself. Outside the palace walls.

Oh it's nicer to only exist in your world. So much more comfortable and safe. Oh really safe!
Well, sort of....

People like this are what I call shell fish. They can't see beyond the walls of their own shell. The walls are shiny and beautiful and they show you the best reflection of yourself. And whatever you do there is no one to tell you it might be wrong. When you talk all you hear is you. " There are no hungry people out there..." Echo "there are no hungry people out there!" It's safe and strong. so it's a pretty nice place to be.

A pretty hard place for people to dig you out of.
The problem is, eventually they will.
And then I find, you who have heard nothing but your own glorious version of the world and the way it should be, don't want to humble yourselves before the truth. We all do it. some more than others. but we all do it. Sad part is those who can't accept that the shell is just a false world, well, an empty shell. And that when you live in it you become one too.
So should you be surprised you end up in the chowder? I mean sure what did you expect, no unsavory things have affected you, so you are tender and juicy...food, oh and dead. Yup!

Which is just what happened to Marie. She didn't get it. And by the time she did, if she ever did, it was too late.

When my kids were growing up. I would listen to people talk about how they could not reach their kids. Oh they just didn't get what was going on. And sadly there was nothing they could see to do about it...


I realized early on, I had to get out of my shell. It hurt ! It was scary! I had to show them I was right there beside them. I told them I would always be there for them. I promised them that!
That meant coming to get them if they were doing something bad, and waiting till we had all calmed down before we talked about it and dealt with the matter. It meant I had to listen without judgement when they shared personal things I did not agree with, and loving them in spite of it. That meant when I made a mistake and forgot the rules ( and I did one time...) going and immediately asking for forgiveness. And telling them honestly that I was wrong, and had broken my promise. Not an easy thing I can tell you. I had many times when I wanted to crawl back in that shell and be insulated. But, because I was there my kids made it through to the other side into adulthood. In the real world. Strong.

My kids are my rocks! They stand fast! They love much! They are not shell fish! All of them in their own way make me proud as they strive to stay out of the shell. To be real. Sure our skins are not soft and pretty. But I think their friends would say it feels good when they are there with them. And hugs with calloused hands are some of the best I have ever received.

Tasty, soft and full of ourselves we are not. Thankfully!
Because without real clarity and purpose... unnecessary, and unneeded.
are we not just on the menu for lunch?

"Let them eat shell fish!"
"Could you please pass the oyster crackers?"

Sunday, August 28, 2011

For the faith to doubt and yet believe.

Christ by Laurie A. Blair
Some of you may know I am a Christian, others may not...

I do not speak directly of it much as it can make people uncomfortable. As a matter of fact this will probably be the only time I talk about it in a blog. Oh I may sprinkle in a little bit here and there, now and then. But not like this.

This is my testimony, the story of me, The moment I came alive. The moment my Savior gave me the grace of the ability to doubt and yet believe!

Now my life started like anyone else's, a mom and a dad, soon sister's and a brother. A family, but soon we realized we were not quite like everyone else's family. Our parents fought. Oh, horrible fights... I spent many times so afraid that we were going to die. At first they were sporadic, once or twice a year. but by the time I was 9 they had escalated  to horrible weekly ordeals, bats, brooms and whatever item that was in the nearby vicinity became a weapon of choice. Screaming so loud, and saying horrible things.
Where were we during these episodes. Well, if we were lucky, hiding under the covers or all of us together in my bed trying to comfort each other and keep our little brother quiet.
Finally there was a separation and a divorce.  We lived with my mom first, starvation, no power and other problems plagued our days now. One day I came home from school, after many month's of them fighting in court and more hurtful things than I ever want to talk about on both sides, to find my mom in the driveway with my new baby brother in the car and it was packed to the roof with stuff. "Laurie, please call your father at work and tell him he's won." Then she got in the car and left.

I am 12...

I had to go into the house and call my dad.
I had tell him what she said.
I had to watch as he came to our house later and sobbed.

I think the one who lost the most that day was me...

As my dad worked trick work, and me being the oldest, I was now responsible for everything, every bad thing my brother and sister's did. If anything happened, and it did a lot. the buck stopped here. So believe me when I say. My brother and sister's did not consider me a friend any more, or a sister. I was now the enemy. I was truly alone now.  I can't even begin to tell you the level of my despair during this time period. Worry over getting things done at home, getting my siblings to behave and trying to keep up my own things at home and at school. I wasn't very successful. And I got punished a lot for it.

Now to understand what I am about to tell you, I have to explain about my brother David. he was 5 years younger than me. And he was angry! For a lot of reasons. He would run around and say he was going to kill you, and then hit you with toys like his giant Tonka trucks. Now if any of you remember them, they were huge and made out of metal and they really hurt you when you were hit with them. But it was the "I am going to kill you!" screamed like my parents used to say it, that troubled me.

So the breaking point, was the night, my dad had just left for work. And we had just finished cleaning dishes. and I don't know what set David off, but he grabbed a knife and ran at Bonnie screaming the "I'm going to kill you!" I don't know what happened or how I got the knife from him .But I did, and I didn't yell but something about me must have put the fear of God into them, because first  I told my sister's to go to their room and get in bed and they did! All the while holding my brother's hand  in one of my hands and the knife in the other. He didn't struggle, he just looked at me terrified. I still remember the voice that came out of me, it wasn't mine. "You!" I punctuated the words! " Never, ever, have the right to threaten anybody's life ever!!!!!!" I calmly walked over and placed the knife in the drawer. Sat down on a dining room chair, turned him onto my lap and said " I m going to spank you a hundred times so you will never ever forget!" And Lord forgive me, I did. I then marched him up to his room with a broken hand (not really, just really swollen), and him with probably the sorest butt. I put his pajama's on and put him to bed. My sisters asked me what had happened as I passed their room. I told them to mind their own business and to go to sleep. I walked down stairs got that knife out of the drawer and went back up to my room. I shut the door quietly and collapsed on the floor.

I had nothing left you see...nothing. My dad was probably going to kill me when he found out what I did, my sisters and brother hated me. I had no friends. I had no family. Nothing. I sat down and I wanted to cry. but nothing came out. I could not feel anything anymore. I picked up that knife put it to my wrist and started to apply pressure I wasn't afraid... I didn't feel anything any more. I had nothing to lose.

But suddenly, someone was there with me. He told me to "stop". He held me. He told me he was my father and he loved me. So much!  And I was never alone. Never! And as he held me. I cried, I cried for hours. all the while he soothed me and told me how things may not get any easier, but he would always be there. Always send people to comfort me and guide me. As dawn peeked over the edge of my window he told me he had to go but he gave me a bible verse Psalm 27; 10 - for if your father and mother forsake you, God would welcome and comfort you. I went downstairs and put that knife away.
I felt empty still, but in a good way! Like a cup waiting to be filled up. I began a feverish search for a bible. And let me tell you in a house headed by an atheist (at that time) it was quite a feat.  I finally found a bible in the library at school later that day. Where I read that passage again and again. Something was happening, I wasn't sure what. but I felt better. Safe, loved, filled up.

I don't know if my brother ever told my dad what happened, but my dad never said anything. I wasn't in trouble. But everyone around me noticed I was changed. My dad thinks I changed during that time because I started singing. I know I changed because he (God) gave me my voice and my spirit!
He reached into a truly dark place pulled me into the light, filled me with unconditional love! Gave me the courage and the strength to strive on. And best of all the grace of forgiveness, for my self and others so that I could move forward. I found friends and singing, I asked my dad if we could start looking at churches and he surprised me when he said yes. We went to many actually, even a synagog!
My world changed.

I know without a doubt, who was with me that horrible, wonderful night. I know who saved me. Who showed me the light and life!

I know who allowed me in my new faith, to doubt and yet believe. And who loved me through it all.

Today at church began with our greeter wishing us all "Happy God's day!" Yes, I wish you all, God's grace, mercy and love and,

Happy God's Day!

Friday, August 26, 2011

At a Glance...

My Life at a Glance-2011  Laurie A. Blair
I am an artist.

This is the wallpaper on my computer everyday when I open it up. It is a pretty fair representation of me. Don't get it, that's okay! You don't have to. It's art.

Being an artist, I can't do anything without feeling that creative purpose. Last evening as it stormed and I had to shut down my computer. I sat frustrated at the lack of being able to write my blog, Paint pictures with my words.
Then I opened my window and my heart to the beauty of the storm. My brain can not help it, the artist took over. I sat mesmerized...

When I was a kid, my father would shake his head as if there was something terribly wrong with me, and tell people I was a daydreamer.... As if that was a form of some horrible disease! For years I thought there was something really wrong with me! Huh? What?

I sculpt with Yarn, my Amigurumi's are sculptures I make art that children can cuddle, adults too for that matter. But, people sometimes look at me like I have a third eye when I am lovingly showing off my creations. Huh? Why?

I  create masterpieces with food, average food, that is super delicious! At least that's what I have been told. I think my weight bears out that fact. I savor each flavor, each nuance, the way the colors and the tastes blend together. I serve it up to my husband who says "what's that, is it a bean?" "Do they usually add beans to this dish?" as he holds the bean on the end of his fork looking at it. "You don't like it? " I inquire. "Oh no!" he says seriously "I love it!" and proceeds to eat the plate up, ask for seconds, and devour that as well. And then a few weeks later asks me why I haven't made it again?  "I thought you didn't like it ." I reply. "now what would make you think that?" he says. Again, What? Huh?

I sing, I dance, I try to create experiences for my family in everyday things. The amount of sun coming in the window, smells, food cooking in the kitchen , fresh sun dried sheets on the bed. Flowers all over the house. Pictures everywhere. And I am always surprised when someone comes to my house and says "Wow!, that's a little overwhelming..." What? .  "Oh no! It's just I have never seen so many things on the wall like that." So?! I am thinking. "Does it look bad?" I ask. "No, no, just different." Again Huh?

I used to let these things stop me from creating. I used to let them make me feel different. weird!

Oh, not any more. Nope!

I AM AN ARTIST! I revel in my weirdness!

Now when somebody looks at me funny, or says something unkind. I feel sorry for them. They are missing the point. It's not about making sense. In fact! Art is all about opening the door and throwing yourself out into that moment, that feeling, that smell , that taste! Letting the colors fill your soul, the sounds fill your ears and your heart!

I am 49 years old, I hope I can help other artists to find their glance, their moment, that grace, long before they get to my age. So I am sharing my art with you. I am not asking you what you think. I am only asking you to let the artists that you know, be artists. Don't look at them funny, question their vision. Just simply enjoy, savor, look and encourage.

You might be surprised to find an artist in you...

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Just Knowing...

Mina and Ellie

Recently I had both my granddaughters together for the first time.
It was such a wonderful time! A time with two little girls who sensed their oneness right away, It was four days of laughter and joy!

Well...except for one little thing

Mina the oldest, immediately started looking out for her cousin Ellie. She became her protector and guide, sometimes to Ellies frustration.
One day as Ellie was trying to get up on the bathroom stool to brush her teeth just like she had seen Mina do. Mina tried pulling her down, "no Ellie! You'll fall!"  When that didn't work. She put her foot up to push Ellie off , not thinking about what was coming next.
 I did though!  I ran and caught Ellie and said "Mina!" before I could say anything more
 I was shocked as she burst into tears and ran out of the room!

"Mina, Honey?" What's wrong?"
"I am afraid you are going to hate me!" she cried out.
Okay, against my will, please forgive me I burst out laughing...
I couldn't help it!

"Grandma don't laugh at me!"
"Come here baby..." I pulled her in close and hugged her tight. Ellie sensing a moment for love joined in and we all sat there snuggled together. "Oh honey, I am not laughing at you!"
 "sweetie, I am laughing at the very idea that I could ever, ever hate you. " "Grandma couldn't even if she tried!"
"in fact!" I said "even if angry ninjas came in here and said I had to hate you, I'd beat them up and say No!"
"Really?" she asked. "Really! Forever and ever!" I replied.

At which point we talked about using our thinking cap, putting it on and thinking about what would happen before we do things. She got it! Right away! And all was right with the world. Now, I don't think she will always remember or that she won't make mistakes. But we have started on a journey...

Afterward, I started to think about why we assume children know these things.
We do!
How do they know, to think before doing, unless we show them how. Teach them to know how to behave . Unless we tell them and show them what we expect from them.  I always show my grandchildren that I love them, but now I think I will make sure I not only tell them that I love them , but that, like God's love, there is nothing that could ever make me stop loving them.

Being a parent is all about Unconditional Love and Forgiveness
 Being a grandparent, is about all that, and a little more, I think. Because we have the time, and the patience. We are supposed to show them the wonder of the world, give them laughter and wings to soar! Helping them to dream, and giving them an unconditional place in our arms, filled with LOVE for when they fall. Reassurance and guidance to try again.

We sow all our love and reap a rich reward by helping them to just know it's always there!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Man oh Man!

Andy and James
These guys father and son, friends.

They are Gentle-men.

During both their life times they were teased because they didn't like baseball, or basketball, or any of that other sporty stuff. Oh they played them, but never really enjoyed them. Made my father in law crazy!
They walk, but don't go to the gym.
Andy hates rain, James loves it!
They both hate hot muggy weather... (so do I! for that matter!)

They both love science fiction, and they are both obsessive compulsive. The little picayune things, in things, drive them crazy. Because it must all stay exactly the same forever. They are both a little bit of a computer nerd.
Music and movies are very important hobbies for them both.

James is an Artist and likes gaming with his friends, and unlike Andy and I, but like his sisters he is good at making friends and keeping them.

Andy is quiet more of a loner. Happy with himself. He really doesn't need other people to amuse him. James can be like that. but he likes having friends around.

And I should mention, James gets me. My silly humor... Andy does sometimes, but not like James. I like that about my son.

Andy has me, I found him early. I accepted him for who he is, God I love him for who he is! The good and the bad.

What makes me sad is James has no companion, all the girls he dates end up being friends, they tell him he is too nice and they don't want to lose him as their friend.

 I think he is giving up...

I know what he is talking about though. I have talked to these girls. They want to date the bad boy. They are going to fix them. Yeah, and then they won't want them anymore. These guys are not dumb! These girls who end up being babies mama's to several different fathers kids. Because that child will tie the bad boy to them and then she will have what she wants? What? So sad! And believe me you will have that guy in your life forever as you work out custody arrangements and child support.

Where are the girls who are independent, confident, who want a gentle man to share their life, a partner, someone to appreciate them, not take them for granted. I keep telling James that he is going to find a girl who realizes she can be his friend and lover.

But, I am worried. I don't see a lot of these girls...

You have to know I am going to hear it from my son for speaking these truths. But I don't care!

I know a MAN who is kind, hard working since he was 16 years old. pays his bills. Likes to laugh, watch movies, and long walks. Who is an ARTIST and has an Artist soul. And he can sing wonderfully ( oh he is going to be so mad at me)! Who longs for a life companion.

I know I am not the only mother going through this. I have talked to many other moms. Do you have a gentle man searching? I say it is time we go out and knock some of these girls in the head! LOL! As if that would work!

Well I know she's out there. I just hope he doesn't give up before she finds him.

Because, I really love these Gentle Men.

My Amigurumi Life!

Amigurumi- Little crocheted or knitted toy.

For me Amigurumi = Second childhood (really first for me, but again that is another story)

This all started for me just over four years ago. We had just found out we were going to have our first grandchild and being that we didn't have a lot of money, I decided to make things for the baby. I could crochet and knit.

So, off to the library I go, and in amoungst all the books with sweaters and blankets. was this one book called AMIGURUMI, I pulled it out and looked at it. Toys, bunches of them. Easy patterns, funny and cute. So excited I checked it out and went home and started. Well I worked through the book in two days, making pigs, a rabbit, frogs, lambs and cats.

Now I was hooked! I brought the book back to the library and asked the librarian if there were more books on this subject? She looked and said "we don't have any more yet", my heart sank.... "But!" she said "they had ordered two more and they would be there soon". I just couldn't wait... My husband thought I was crazy. I started looking on line. And there they were! People all over the world were making them!

I needed more yarn for this! Heading over to the local BF's (Ben Franklin Store)  I charged into their Yarn Barn looking for fun Yarn and there I met Sue. She ran the Barn. My excitement over these Amigurumi creations must have made a big impression on her. Because a few days later I saw her when I was out walking and she remembered me. I started bringing my creations over to show her, and then I met Charlene, then Pat, Sue suggested a class, Okay I said. Let's make the pig! At the class I met LuRay, Kathy, this group just kept on growing. It was wonderful. Now I have Luanne, Brenda Jo, Kelsy, and Lynn, Jodie, the other Sue and more. These women are on this journey through my second childhood with me and as far as I can tell happily. We meet every Tuesday night where we laugh and cry, give moral support and encourage each other in our projects and our lives.

These toys cover my house. I giggle over them and yes, I play with them! Andy comes home excited to see what I made each day and I think he loves them too.

But these women, They have my heart. They rejuvenate me, they play with me. We share our yarns, our tools, and our lives. Together, we have learned to think outside the box, and that everyone's Amigurumi will be different, some go faster and some go slower, but that's okay!

Isn't that just like life, to keep opening up to new friends, that it's so much better when we share, be brave and go outside our comfort zone, lastly, accept that everyone is different.

My journey began with a book and a funny word- Amigurumi

If you haven't already begun yours I wonder what will start you on your journey?

See you later, I am going to play!

P.S. By the way if you are ever in Hilton on a Tuesday evening, come to Amelia's Fabric and Yarn Shop. We'll spot you some yarn and all the tools you need to play with us. I would love to see you there!

Saturday, August 20, 2011


This is me at about 7 or 8 years old. I am Ichabod Crane... Oh yes I am!
I am showing you this so when I tell you my big, not so secret, secret, you will laugh along with me.

I fall... a lot.

Yup, this has been an ongoing thing for me. My sister Bonnie will testify to the truth of it. Testify sista!

I can trip over my own shadow, your shadow, your dog's shadow, an ant's shadow. Well, you get the idea. I have fallen forward backwards, sideways and upside down, don't ask me how. It just happened.

One time, when I was in High School, I fell everyday for a month when I got off the bus. They were placing bets. My sisters hated me. LOL!!! My most memorable fall during this month long period had me sliding down the driveway, landing with my butt on the garage door, my legs in-cased in gogo boots flat on the door and up in the air. My peasant skirt flipped up over my head. I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants!!! My sisters were mortified... Hee hee. Another time I fell on the path to the front door of the school landing against the stoop. Where looking up I watched as my sister Bonnie passed over me, looked down, shook her head and said "I don't know you!" and went in the front door. I busted out laughing!

Now it didn't get any better as I got older, nope. When my kids were in High School, we had stopped at a gas station and I volunteered to go in and pay. Our car was about six feet away from the door, I came out after paying. and tripped over a non existent curb. I then proceeded, against my will, momentum being my protagonist to charge our van like a bull. Hitting my head on the side of the van and being thrown back to the ground where I bumped along for three or more times coming to a stop in a large mud puddle. I saw stars! Then I saw my children their faces pressed to the windows, laughing so hard they were spitting on the glass (great I was going to have to clean that up later) and Andy (my husband) sat in shock in the drivers seat! I think he was afraid to laugh.

Needless to say, I got up dusted myself off and laughed at myself too. It's funny! I have learned to laugh at myself. And yes sometimes I have fallen and hurt myself. Then I cried. But I laughed later!

This falling thing has helped me get over myself. To stop worrying about what other people think about me. Because I realized I like me. Falling person and all.

I am happy to say I have passed this trait to my children, Poor Sara seems to have gotten the worst of it. We joked all the time when she was pregnant that the baby was either going to come out as Mr. Magoo, or Barishnakoff.
Mina is thankfully perfectly normal to date. But I wouldn't be sad if she inherited my little falling foible. Because like me she would get back up , dust herself off and learn she was okay.

It's that getting back up part that's hard, but once you do it, it becomes easier and easier. Because you know you can, sometimes you need help, sometimes you need a bandaid and you cry. Other times times you laugh till you pee... But when alls said and done, you got up.

Times are tough...Lots of us feel like we are falling. We have to just keep getting up. And laugh! Laugh a lot!

I hope all your falls are light ones and your getting ups are filled with laughter!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Lets Hear it for the girls!

This one is for my girls, oh their brother is special too. But that is a story for another day.

Today is for the girls...

They do this thing called LARPing or for you beginners LIVE ACTION ROLE PLAYING.

They have been doing this thing since high school.

When they first started Andy and I thought it was about the stupidest thing we had ever heard of. Well, we were wrong! Yup you heard me! Wrong, Wrong, Wrong!

It has been the best most wonderful thing! From this group of people they have reaped long committed friendships. Support, Strength, belief in themselves and their abilities.

I have seen my daughters, who were somewhat timid, turn into strong Kick Butt women! They make men cry out in pain when they battle. No timidness there. And they take as good as they get. They actually come home from their battles boasting about their latest awful bruises.

I love watching them battle and listening to them planning for the next battle practice. I love watching them creating their outfits and weapons. Their pride in the teams they are a part of, and their commitment to doing things right while still having fun. And yes there are politics, and arguments, as there are with any large group. But what I admire, is that they settle things and move on.

This group has helped one son in law find a job, when he lost his last one. Found them a place to live. When cars broke down. They helped fix. Driven my daughter to numerous doctor appointments. And supported my daughter in her quest for a kidney donor.

But the thing I love most about them is how they helped my daughters become these wonderful strong women. Growing up I told them they could do anything. But this group showed them how! Helped them to feel confident in doing it. Made them believe in their inner strength! I tried, but I could not give this to them. But this group did!

So all you parents out there, the next time your kids talk to you about doing something different. Don't discourage them. Give it a try. Go with them, watch them. You may be looking at future friends, supporters and guides for your kids. People who might help your kids find the best part of themselves.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Pajama Days!

In the morning I was up early, waiting, for the school cancellations... Ah , yay! Rochester city schools closed!
"Pajama Day!" I would call up the stairs
"Woo Hoo!" Would be the answering cry
Picture three large teenagers rumbling down the stairs in tee shirts and undies, long underwear and hoodies. Blankets and pillows and stuffed animals in tow.
Now you have to remember on a normal school day I would not be able to drag these kids out of bed! They would fight over who had to take their shower first because they all wanted to sleep in.

But Pajama day was different. It was special...

Every day I would listen for the news weather man to announce the probability of a huge winter storm. It was my que to stop at the store that night and buy a gallon of milk, four boxes of the worst sugariest cereals and all the fixens for homemade pizza. And forbidden fruit, soda! Then I would hide them away.
The kids never asked. I think they wanted to be surprised. I loved that!

We had started these days during the very memorable ice storm. when they were in grade school. And there were a few rules. First, no answering the door, In other words no company! Second, no fighting. Third, everybody picked a movie and everybody watched them all no griping.
It was the one time they could eat in the living room so there they would be sprawled out under blankets, stretched across pillows eating Coco Puffs and Captain Crunch, Our four cats had by now also made the room their home for the day, and the dog looked longingly at all of their bowls waiting for the chance to lick them clean (the one time I allowed it). I sat happily on the couch and during the day they would all take turn coming up and snuggling with me. No dishes, no cleaning, no phone calls.

The day started with laughter, a movie, discussions, reviews, another movie, more discussions, sometimes re-enactments of scenes, more cereal, more laughter and movies, movies, movies! Later when dad got home everybody made their own pizza's, and we sat down to watch dad's movie choice. More wonderful discussions, more laughter and food! All while outside the storms raged.

These days have such a place in my heart! These were the times when the kids felt free to talk about concerns and frustrations. To sound out ideas they had, and where they felt brave enough to tell each other they were needed. To share with me their deepest secrets. To try out their more adult selves as they got older without fear. To connect with their dad, who was working so much that he felt left out. These days filled him up...

I could have wasted these days , and saved myself the cleanup the next day. But I am so glad I didn't! It was totally worth it all, even all the Star Trek movies! Don't get me started, the discussions from that series were epic!

My hope is that each family can find a day, and make it theirs. Keep the rules simple, and share your dreams. The memories will fill you up for years to come.

to get you started:

Personal pizza's

  • Soft taco tortillas
  • tomato sauce
  • mozzarella  and Parmesan cheese
  • toppings of your choice

Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees, with a small basting brush, brush sauce on tortilla, add cheeses of your choice, and toppings. Place on cookie sheet and place in oven. bake for 8-10 minutes. Have Fun! I wish you many Pajama Days!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Go Fly a Kite!

As I was collecting my items, walking through the dollar store. I could hear the constant voice of the little girl in the next isle over,
"Mommy I need a new toy!" Mommy would reply "No!", "we don't have the money for it!" This went on for a good ten minutes. Finally, mommy much frustrated and looking ready to blow stomped out of the store, little girl walking on her tippy toes as mommy dragged her along. Oops, she was gonna get it...
What I should have done is told mommy to go fly a kite!
Yup ! I mean that literally!
When I was little, we did not have money for Barbies and Barbie Dream Cottages, like my friends. So what! I made mine out of boxes after my mom showed me how. And to tell you the truth mine was better because I could add on as I wanted. I had Barbie mansion! Except I had Maddie Maud (Barbies cheaper cousin) again so what, she had brown hair like me!
But my point , if you missed it in my little story, is my mom taught me how to create my own toys. When we had no money to buy presents for grandparents, she didn't say lets go to the store and buy something on credit, or sit there and cry and boo hoo about it. She said lets see what we can make hmm... She would pull out glue, yarn, old wallpaper, rick rack and glitter and talk about grandpa and how special this would be for him, next thing you knew you had created a special pencil holder for grandpa, that he kept lovingly on his desk forever... Sisters birthday coming up. How about you learn to crochet and make a blankie for her baby doll, this way you made something and learned a talent that would aid you in your future. Nothing to do while we waited for dad at the doctors office. We could make a game with a piece of paper by making dots on it and taking turns connecting the dots till you finished a box. Whoever had the most boxes when we were done won. It was great!
But I knew when we went to the store, it was not to buy toys for me or my brother and sisters. They knew it too. Because mom had always made it clear. We had what we needed at home.
So when I had my kids, I followed her example. Yes we had some bought toys, like Barbie, but they were gifts, We could make toys and presents just by using our creativity and time. And we did! Hot wheels cardboard cities, Barbie shelf houses, picture quilts for grandma and auntie. The artwork on my living room walls were pictures they did in art class and brought home, showed off gloriously in old frames, changed out every month. Loved them! And yes, to get back to them kites!
Yup, Plastic grocery bag kites!
Buy some kite string for $1.00 or if you have some hanging around, all the better. Cut a piece the length of your arm, fold it in half and tie a knot about two to three inches down from the fold. Tie each loose end of that folded string to one bag handle. decorate your bag with streamers or colored yarn and package tape. now tie remaining kite string to loop you made in the string with the knot. Make sure that knot is tight.
Now take it outside and watch how great it will  fly!
But more than that, you have just showed your kids how to soar!
Why buy it, when you can create it!

Monday, August 15, 2011

We've done it before and we can do it again!

Call me crazy, and some of you will. But let's stop listening to the news. Sometimes I think they (the news agencies) would like us to believe that we can't take a step into the future without checking out what's going on at the capitol or in the stock market first. Truth be told, the best things we Americans do is step outside the box and just go for it!

Yes we are in hard times...

I watch so many of my friends and neighbors struggling forward. working hard to get through and out of this recession. They are afraid, but even at the worst of times not even close to giving up!

That is not the picture that is painted by the news. It's depressing... Why not talk about the guy that couldn't find a job so he started his own "At your Service" business. Ordinary people creating a new future. And yes some may fail, but a lot won't. Tonight on the news they reported that small businesses created 8000 jobs in the Rochester NY area alone. And they were surprised!

I'm not!

I say lets stop listening to all this negativity and show the world how we do it. Lets put our leaders to shame. Show them that we can work together and make America strong again. By showing the conviction of it's citizens to move forward, to clear our debt, to restore purpose. America the land of possibilities! Where we try new things, buy local, fly our flags! And support our communities.

After 9/11 we showed such strength and purpose! It was so inspiring to see neighbors working together for the greater good. To see American pride and strength. So enough with all this bad news. We can choose to look forward, step into, and fight for the future we want and deserve. 

Let's do some creative thinking, let's start by getting out a plain piece of white paper, a blue crayon, and a red crayon. Draw a flag! talk with your children, your husband/ wife/ partner about what it mean to you. And then put it in your front window!Go for it!